Elden Ring
Whenever FromSoftware returns to the market with its own new game, the discussions of the fans touch on many recurring themes. Among the most popular is certainly the difficulty that such experiences offer to players who are approaching a soulslike for the first time. Obviously, even with Elden Ring the mantra was repeated, but as usual it is on PC that modders are unleashed with a series of mods that allow to facilitate, and not a little, this adventure in the interregnum.A new mod has recently emerged on Twitter that adds a very unique and extremely strong spiritual evocation to Elden Ring. This evocation replaces the spirit of the jellyfish, allowing players to summon a much more devastating boulder. Once summoned, this boulder will roll towards the unfortunate boss, knocking him down in a matter of seconds. We can see the destructiveness of this spirit in the video posted on Twitter a few days ago and which is now making its rounds on the web.
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- king bore haha / geeeeeorge (@king_bore_haha) March 25, 2022
The funny thing is how many users thought that such an evocation could be found somewhere in the game, but it was a short time before the truth about the mod in question came out. Now the ball, or to stay on the subject, the boulder, passes to you: would you ever use this mod to defeat the various bosses of Elden Ring without lifting a finger?
If you haven't done it yet, you can buy Elden Ring at this address.
Elden Ring Game Files Reveal A Bestiary May Have Been Planned
Elden Ring might actually have a bestiary planned for the game but it wasn’t added for some reason, a recent report reveals.
Elden Ring was undoubtedly one of the most hyped games for a while, and after a long wait, it was finally released last month. To no surprise, From Software delivered once again and in fact, managed to even surpass the expectations of both fans and critics. The game shares a number of core aspects with the other Souls games, but at the same time, it has some unique aspects which make it stand out. Apart from the open-world feature, there are various new mechanics which has added a nice little touch to the genre.
Elden Ring | Live Action TrailerBridTV
Elden Ring | Live Action Trailer
According to Souls modder JesterPatches, Elden Ring was supposed to have a bestiary. Jester was going through the game files when he noticed that there are around 128 icons that represent the various NPCs in the game. There are two icons per NPC, one with a darker color tone. This could possibly mean that the icons were for NPCs who were discovered and not discovered. So all in all, there were icons for 64 NPCs.
The modder states that the icons represent a large number of NPCs that are already present in the game. Notably, it is also stated that there were some who were new to him, so it could mean that there were certain NPCs that were possibly omitted from the game. As far as the bosses are concerned, they were not a part of the Bestiary, which does make sense to some extent.
While the Bestiary is not present in Elden Ring, a number of players have voiced their concerns over its absence. That being said, it does make sense as to why developers didn’t add it to the game. From Software games are known to have a mystery around them, so it could very much mean that a bestiary would take away the very essence of the genre.