Tiny Tina's Wonderlans
Less than a month after launch, 2K and Gearbox Software today released a new full-bodied gameplay video of about 24 minutes of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands accompanied by a handful of official images, which introduce us to the fantasy world of the game before its debut in the stores of the game.The video, found at the top of the news, shows a long section of co-op gameplay beneath the peaks of Mount Craw, a vast and completely optional area within Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. In the video we can see various types of enemies and their peculiarities in action, as well as some of the peculiar guns, one of the trademarks of Borderlands, and the special abilities of the protagonists.
In this regard, the The game's official website has been updated for the occasion with new information on the classes and their skill branches in the Help section, which you can reach at this address. In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands every player will start with a primary class, but will subsequently earn a secondary class slot with the Multiclass system.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will be available starting March 25 for Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. If you haven't done it yet, we suggest you read our test published today.
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