Xbox Series X | S
The Game Informer editorial team has published a video in which it lists the 10 best games for Xbox Series X | S available in 2021, therefore from the launch of the console until today. Obviously Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite could not be missing from this list, two of the most anticipated exclusives of this year by verdecrociati players.We specify that the one in the video, which you can view in the player above, is not a ranking, but rather a list, with games that have been sorted by their release date, from earliest to earliest. Here are the games featured in the video:
Halo Infinite Forza Horizon 5 Psychonauts 2 Hades Resident Evil Village It Takes Two Hitman 3 Yakuza: Like a Dragon Ori and the Will of the Wisps Call of Duty: Warzone
The movie can basically be seen as a sort of "buying guide" for anyone who has recently bought or received an Xbox Series X or S as a gift, thus presenting the best games currently available. As mentioned at the beginning, the workhorses of the Xbox Game Studios could not be missing, namely Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5, which in recent months have collected numerous acclaim from both critics and the public.
In the Game Informer list we also find Psychonauts 2, also from Xbox despite being released on PlayStation platforms, and It Takes Two, which was crowned Game of The Year 2021 at The Game Awards, while some will surely notice the absence of Microsoft Flight Simulator. There are also numerous third-party games such as Call of Duty: Warzone, Hades and Hitman 3.
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Xbox Series X | S
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