Nippon Ichi software has launched a countdown
Nippon Ichi Software has opened a teaser site with a countdown timer, where only a pocket watch is visible, where the hands indicate the time left before the inevitable announcement. Above the clock there is a short writing which at this moment reads: "Three days remaining". For the rest, the site only shows the icon to activate or deactivate the sound.The Nippon Ichi Software teaser site Frankly, it is really difficult to understand what the Nippo Ichi teaser site can hide from these few elements. A new Disgaea? Anything to do with the Danganronpa series? The sequel to La Pucelle: Tactits (this is by chance, don't listen to us)? Impossible to say, with the few elements available.
In any case, Nippon Ichi's initiative confirms the love of the Japanese for teaser sites with countdowns. Lately we see fewer of them, but in recent years there have been many. Stay tuned to these pages to find out more.
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