Godfall Challenger Edition of the PS Plus "is not a demo
This week, Sony confirmed the December 2021 PS Plus games. Among them is also Godfall Challenger Edition, a partial version of the game by Counterplay that has not exactly convinced the players. However, the development team stated that the Challenger Edition "is not a demo", but a new low-priced version with limited functions.It is basically a new edition of the game that includes less content, but it costs less: the official price of the Godfall Challenger Edition is $ 14.99 and will be available for purchase after the end of the free period. That said, it's clear that console audiences might not like the choice anyway, as the game is part of a subscription that has been paid for. PS Plus usually includes full titles.
Godfall Godfall Challenger Edition will also be available on the Epic Games Store from December 9, 2021. In that case, however, it is a 100% free game and that - a once claimed - it will be the user forever.
Tell us, what do you think about the fact that this is not a demo but a special version with limited content? Are you interested in Godfall Challenger Edition, or are you going to do something else in December?
Here are the other PS Plus games for December 2021.
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Godfall Challenger Edition of the PS Plus 'is not a demo
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Godfall Challenger Edition of the PS Plus 'is not a demohttp://www.bing.com:80/news/search?q=Godfall+Challenger+Edition+of+the+PS+Plus+'is+not+a+demo&cc=us&format=RSSCopyright \xc2\xa9 2021 Microsoft. All rights reserved. These XML results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner or for any purpose other than rendering Bing results within an RSS aggregator for your personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of these results requires express written permission from Microsoft Corporation. By accessing this web page or using these results in any manner whatsoever, you agree to be bound by the foregoing restrictions.
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