Genshin Impact, Update 2.4
Ahead of the arrival of Genshin Impact Update 2.4, miHoYo has announced a scheduled server maintenance that will begin on the evening of January 4, 2022. This means that you will not be able to log into the game for a few hours, but on the other hand, two free Primogem bonuses will be available for all players at the end of the maintenance.According to the details shared by miHoYo, the scheduled maintenance of Genshin Impact's servers will start at 11:00 PM on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. The work, barring unforeseen circumstances, will last 5 hours. Therefore, it will be possible to log back into the game starting at 04:00 on Wednesday 5th January, once you have downloaded and installed Update 2.4. As usual, this is an overall favorable time for Italian players, excluding those who like to stay up late of course.
The promotional image of Update 2.4 by Genshin Impact As per tradition, to reward the patience of the players, miHoYo will give a bonus of 300 Primogem for free (60 for each hour of maintenance). To these will eventually be added another 300 for solving problems within the game, for a total of 600 Primogems, which will be able to redeem all users who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or higher from the in-game email.
This is a treasure that will surely be useful to all those who are saving in view of the Shenhe and Xiao banners, which will be available with version 2.4 of Genshin Impact.
Staying on the subject, yesterday miHoYo presented a new trailer dedicated to Shenhe.
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Genshin Impact 2.4 Update: PlayStation Confirm January 2022 Release Date
The latest update for Genshin Impact will be launched in January 2022, PlayStation have confirmed.
miHoYo are preparing to unleash their latest seismic patch into their open-world action-based battle game which has surged in popularity during 2021.
New characters will be up for grabs and a celebratory event will be held in-game with a new realm underneath Watatsumi Island - so there is plenty of new content for gamers to get stuck into.
Genshin releases these updates to not just bring about new content, but also to fix any bugs that could be causing issues.
In what was originally expected to be a February release date, fans of Genshin received an early New Year surprise as they are now receiving update 2.4 much sooner than expected.
Read more: Genshin Impact 2.4 Update: Release Date, Banners, Patch Notes, Characters, Leaks, and Everything You Need To Know
PlayStation confirmed the news on their official blog that the new update will be arriving on Wednesday 5th January 2022 and went into further detail regarding what is set to come in update 2.4.
'The bustling streets of Liyue will once again be lined with a variety of vendors and stalls, bringing a host of new festivities to those celebrating the holiday. You can try your hand at making sparkling fireworks or participate in the popular lantern riddle-guessing event.
'Among those rebuilding the Jade Chamber, you will meet our new characters Shenhe and Yun Jin, as well as many old friends in Liyue. Some also get a new look with the upcoming update.
'Travelers who’ve visited Watatsumi Island may have heard of an underwater nation that has been sealed away for thousands of years. Legend has it that the ancestors of the island lived here before moving to the surface under the leadership of Orobashi, the serpent god who was later slain at Yashiori Island. You can obtain the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep with Shrine Maiden Tsuyuko and explore the ruins of an ancient civilization that is older than any other ruin you can see on land.'
This is merely a snippet of what is to come which could reveal some truths about the world of Genshin Impact that may not have already been disclosed.
It will be interesting to see what miHoYo have in store for us.
You can find all of the latest Genshin Impact News and everything Gaming related right here at GiveMeSport.
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