Halo Infinite
The first physical copies of Halo Infinite seem to have already arrived in the hands of some users, based on who is not sure which preferred channel, but the fact is that this means a potential spoiler risk with regard to the single player campaign.A Polish user has also posted a photo of a retail copy of Halo Infinite with its original packaging, demonstrating that some of these are already around outside the standard market channels, considering that the release it's only expected in about 10 days.
Halo Infinite, photo of a retail copy Note, however, that the back of the package specifies support for Dolby Vision, which should be native to Halo Infinite, in addition to Dolby Atmos.
However, there are several testimonies in this regard, so it is clear that Halo Infinite must have arrived at some retailers' warehouses and someone managed to have it well in advance of the official release, set for December 8th.
Halo Infinite, photo on the back of a box The thing that fans of the game should beware of, however, is that this essentially means that there are likely spoilers on the way regarding the game's single player campaign. , as there will be users able to know its features and talk about it without having signed any NDA, although the game is not officially playable before its release.
As for the launch of Halo Infinite, we are starting to see a more massive promotional campaign from Microsoft, with the release these days of spectacular trailers like Forever We Fight and Carry On, while the controversy over the multiplayer battle pass continues and the head of design said he felt the suffering of the players for the progression system.
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‘Halo Infinite’ Design Head Says Progression ‘Pain’ Is Top Of His List This Week
Halo Infinite
343Well, the holiday break is over, so it’s back to…debating Halo Infinite’s progression system like we’ve been doing since the game launched its multiplayer component early.
At this point, it’s very clear that 343 hears everyone’s complaints about the system. In addition to some quick changes they already made within the first week of the game’s launch, there are more coming. Here’s 343’s Head of Design, Jerry Hook, who commented on the current issues and future solutions yesterday:
“Yes I am still playing Halo and feeling everyone’s pain on progression. We are back at it next week and this will be top of my list with the team.”
To me that reads like through playing, he is feeling the same pain of progression as everyone else. And now that’s “top of list” for his design team, and we’ll have to see what sort of results that yields.
There are different levels to the issues at play here, some of which seem like easy fixes, while others may not be.
The one refrain everyone keeps saying is that XP should not be wholly based on challenges, and instead be linked to performance in some way, whether that’s a percentage of your game score, or some other metric that actually encourages winning, lots of kills or lots of objective completions.
Halo Infinite
343The other issue is the content of the challenges themselves, where if the concept of challenges stays (which it almost certainly will), many of those still need to be tweaked. Mode-specific challenges when you cannot select specific game modes is frustrating. This is both an issue with the challenges themselves, but also a broader issues about the limitations of the current playlist structure with so many disparate game types jammed together. Past that, other challenges like “stop enemy killing sprees” that rely on your opponents doing well have to go.
Progression is one thing, but reward structure is another.
As I mentioned yesterday, a core problem with Halo Infinite’s current system is just that, armor cores. Even if unlocks speed up, that doesn’t solve fundamental problems people have with the cosmetic system which does not seem like what was promised ahead of the game’s launch. That includes:
That’s the bulk of it, but again, this is a separate issue than simply “progression” and will require longer term solutions. I believe that we will see changes to XP gains very quickly, but it will take much more time to address issues like the armor core system.
Again, 343 is clearly listening, but it remains frustrating that with an extra year to polish multiplayer, as good as gameplay is, these systems didn’t get the same treatment. Though with that said, I think a few immediate fixes would quell some of the (frankly over the top) anger we’re seeing about the progression issues, and more fixes will come later. 343 is building Halo Infinite to last a decade as a Halo platform. This is what, week 3? Change will come.
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