PlayStation Studios grown 20% this year
Among the various financial results of Sony there was also time for an in-depth analysis on the situation of PlayStation Studios and their growth of 20% recorded during the fiscal year, following the various team acquisitions made in recent months.As reported by Sony's chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki, during the fiscal year the acquisitions have increased the number of internal teams at PlayStation Studios by 4 units, bringing them to a total of 16 first party studios for Sony. This means a 20% growth compared to before over the past few months alone, highlighting a notable trend towards the expansion of the workforce.
This trend will continue into the foreseeable future as Totoki reiterated how Sony intends to "continue to invest aggressively in internal development capabilities, moving forward", so this essentially translates into further team acquisitions in the coming months and years as well.
Among the latest acquisitions we remember Housemarque, Firesprite, Bluepoint Games and Fabrik Games, just to stay in the last fiscal year, but the trend will continue. Meanwhile, the financial results revealed how many PS5s had been sold as of September 30, 2021, or 13.4 million units, as well as 47 million PS Plus subscribers.
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PlayStation Studios grown 20% this year
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