Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 would have totaled sales in 2021 equal to only one third of the copies placed in the month of launch, that is December 2020, according to estimates made by some analysts.We know that Cyberpunk 2077 has sold 13.7 million copies debut, in just three weeks, considering the many pre-orders made and the great enthusiasm that accompanied the release of the game on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.
However, this latest report he estimates that the success of the title developed by CD Projekt RED then dropped rapidly; also due to the controversy relating to the console versions, which even led to the removal of Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store.
In terms of numbers, analysts therefore claim that Cyberpunk 2077 has sold around 4 in 2021, 2 million copies, which would bring the total so far to something like 18 million copies.
A much lower figure than the forecasts of 30 million copies, but considering what happened immediately after the launch and the postponement of the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S versions to 2022 maybe it is the case to look at the glass half full.
After that we will have to see what will happen in the future: CD Projekt RED will continue to work to improve and enrich the experience of Cyberpunk 2077, and with the landing on the new generation consoles the game could be the protagonist of an important relaunch.
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The ‘Cyberpunk 2077 Online’ I Want To Play
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRLurking deep in the code of Cyberpunk 2077 is an indication that some sort of online, multiplayer component is coming to the game in the future. It’s a left turn from the original plan, a standalone Cyberpunk multiplayer game, but indicates that 2077 may get some kind of online component in the future that isn’t that.
That’s…exciting to me. It’s something I actually want to see, because I want a reason to stay in Night City, especially if the game is going to keep improving and chasing its original potential. And when I think about the idea of a Cyberpunk 2077 Online, here’s what I would want to see from that:
Co-Op, Not PvP
If we’re talking about what’s in the realm of plausibility here, I don’t see Cyberpunk 2077 attempting to balance the game for PvP for an online mode and would likely just stick with co-op play. I don’t even know how something like a hacking build could come even close to working well there, and I think it would just be a giant waste of time to build out a PvP section of the game. Maybe in the future of the franchise? Sure, but not in this game.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRCrime Farms, Gang Strongholds
Obviously a core component of the game would be roaming around the world, killing loads of criminals and corpo soldiers. Right now, those crimes and strongholds disappear when cleared, but it’s easy to see how you could rig them to respawn so they can be farmed for loot, cash or more, solo or with a friend. Add in new clusters beyond the base campaign, and there would be a lot to do.
Fashion Endgame
In my mind, a huge component of a Cyberpunk 2077 online mode wouldn’t just be about getting power, but buying cool upgrades for your V. So I would like to see A) way more clothing options, B) a way to preview those options before buying them, C) a plastic surgeon/barber to alter your face and hair (and more options to earn) and D) Ripperdocs that can mod you up with cybernetic parts for greater body diversity. Add a transmog system to allow you to look how you want while having the stats and perks you want, and we’re golden.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRA New Power System
I would add a new layer of leveling on top of the current street rep/XP ones we already have, specific to multiplayer. This could be anything from unlocking bonuses for co-op play, to a Diablo-like paragon system for minor stat boosts. Overleveling past the current caps would be good as well for additional perk unlocks and build options.
Houses To Customize, Businesses To Run
Going into GTA Online territory a bit here, I’d like to see more houses or apartments able to be bought and customized by V as a way to work toward something. You could also have a light “business” aspect where you save up for shops (Ripperdocs, weapon stores) that can earn you passive income.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRCar Customization And Racing
Car customization is a no-brainer and should have been in the game from the start, along with a garage like system where you can see your collection and modify it. Racing mechanics and AI is something Cyberpunk would need a ton of work on, which you know if you’ve done the racing quests in the base game. But if they could figure it out, it could be a lot of fun.
These are just the basics, but it would be enough to get me playing and earning new loot and cash. We’ll see if this is ever actually realized, however.
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