Uncharted for PS5 and PC
Uncharted is coming to PC and PS5. Sony has announced the release of the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection as part of the current PS5 showcase. The remaster package includes the two adventures Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Specific details on possible technical improvements are not yet available. Presumably, gamers are allowed to experience the adventures in 4K graphics and optimized frame rates. The trailer for the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, which we have included for you below this message, gives you a first look.The release is planned for the beginning of 2022 - a specific date is currently not available. Sony explains on the PlayStation blog that the remaster package will only appear for PlayStation 5 and "shortly afterwards" for PC. It is not known how long PC gamers have to be patient. The publisher wants to provide further details as the publication draws nearer. The Iron Galaxy studio is responsible for the PC implementation. The developers have recently been working on porting games like The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim for Switch and Spyro Reignited Trilogy for PS4 and Xbox One.
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection - First trailer for the version for PS5 and PC loadVideoPlayer ('84373', '& sAdSetCsategory = artikel_featured', 18, '16: 9 ', false, 1379361, false, 277842, 260 , false, 0, '', '', false); A leak about the PC version of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End appeared in May. Sony had published a presentation on its website for a large investor event that focused on individual business areas. This also included the PC area. In addition to Days Gone, the publisher also mentioned a PC version of Unchartted 4: A Thief's End. It is now clear that the adventure will also appear on the home computer. Most recently, Sony brought the Complete Edition of the former PS4-exclusive action role-playing game Horizon Zero Dawn to the PC. The publisher had already confirmed in August 2020 that the publisher wanted to publish more PlayStation games for PC.
'Uncharted 4' and 'Uncharted Lost Legacy' are coming toa> PS5 and PC
The Uncharted collection helped me survive the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and now, in addition to a live action movie expected to arrive in 2022, the two latest iterations of Naughty Dog's popular adventure series are scheduled to arrive on PS5 and PC next year.
This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here, then reload the page to see it.Both Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, the finale of the Nathan Drake saga, and the follow-up DLC The Lost Legacy will be made available next year. The graphics, of course, look gorgeous running on next-gen hardware. However there's no word yet on whether Naughty Dog will insist on additional platform upgrade costs — a la Sony Interactive's short gambit with charging extra to update Zero Dawn Forbidden West from the PS4 to the PS5.
The new iterations are slated for release in 'early 2022.'
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