Kena: Bridge of Spirits is almost upon us, with the release date set for September 21, 2021, so the preload has been made available by Sony on both PS5 and PS4</a>, with different sizes and various details on the launch of the new game , also coming to PC.Those who have purchased Kena: Bridge of Spirits can therefore already download and wait for the release at the official launch of the game, which should take place at midnight on 21 September 2021. It is noted however, a notable difference in the size of the game between the PS5 and PS4 versions, with the former being practically double the latter, contrary to what we have seen in other cases.
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The PS5 version of Kena: Bridge of Spirits totals 17.8GB, while the PS4 version stops at 8.2GB. In any case, it remains a little expensive title in terms of space occupied on SSD and hard disk, but a bit in contrast to what we are used to seeing with the famous data compression seen on PS5.
For the rest, we remind you that the Ember Lab game is available in two versions at launch: the Standard Edition at a price of 39.99 euros for PS5 and PS4, containing the game the Rot Hat as a bonus for preorder , while the Digital Deluxe Edition costs 49.99 euros for PS5 and PS4 and contains, in addition to the game and the aforementioned Hat, also various digital extras such as the Staff of Kena, the Golden Rot skin and the soundtrack.
The silence surrounding the launch of Kena: Bridge of Spirits, contrary to what we are used to seeing with other exclusive titles for PS5 and PS4, had caused fear that it could run into a further delay, but at this point this hypothesis is completely discarded, considering the start of the preload in these hours.
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Kena Bridge of Spirits Release Date: When is the game coming out?
After several delays, the action-adventure by Ember Lab, Kena Bridge of Spirits, is finally hitting its release date this week.
Kena Bridge of Spirits puts players in the shoes of Kena, a young Spirit Guide travelling to a mysterious abandoned village in her search for the sacred mountain shrine. The game boasts some brilliant visuals, puzzle-oriented environmental traversal, and some fast-paced combat. The game is also a console exclusive on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, with the official page‘s overview stating:
“Embark on a captivating adventure featuring a unique companion mechanic and thrilling combat.
Immerse yourself in a story-driven action-adventure set in a charming world rich with exploration and fast-paced combat. Play as Kena, a young Spirit Guide travelling to an abandoned village in search of the sacred mountain shrine.
Find and grow a team of tiny spirits known as the Rot who maintain balance by decomposing dead and rotting elements. Enhance your companions’ abilities, create new ways to manipulate the environment and uncover the secrets of a forgotten community hidden in an overgrown forest where wandering spirits are trapped.”
The game will also be available on PC via the Epic Games Store. Despite the delays, Kena Bridge of Spirit seems like quite the ambitious debut outing for the developers at Ember Lab, who is perhaps most well known for their work on an animated short film for The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Their repertoire for animation and artistic design shines even in the upcoming game’s trailer, but we won’t know just how good the game will feel to play until its out. Again, the Kena Bridge of Spirits release date is on September 21, 2021.