Fortnite is celebrating its anniversary: The Battle Royale mode is four years old. Epic Games is taking the birthday to throw a colorful party on the BR hit. In a current blog entry, the developers announced that the celebrations will run from September 24th to 28th - the starting shot will be given on Friday at 3 p.m. tomorrow. During this time you can eat birthday cake and get your stamina and shields. In addition, you will discover individual gifts on the map: Throw them to free the loot inside.In addition, new birthday orders are going live in Fortnite (buy now 37.81 €). Done them to get the cake-based back accessory "Already 4?" unlock. You also bag the pickaxe "birthday hammer" and the cupcake emoticon "4? Not bad" for the battle royale shooter. "Like the birthday cakes and gifts, these orders will be available from 3:00 pm on September 24th through 8:00 am on September 28th," said Epic Games.
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Fortnite: Return to Apple Store can take up to 5 years
Until the battle royale shooter Fortnite is back in the Apple App Store is available, it may take a long time. PC NSW XSX PS5 PS4 XBO X360 0White shirt with Fortnite logo costs 1000 dollars!
A new cooperation between Fortnite and Balenciaga provides players with expensive luxury clothing. Also included: a shirt for $ 1,000! PC NSW XSX PS5 PS4 XBO X360 0Fortnite: Patch Notes for Update 17.50 - these are the new features
Epic Games has released Fortnite Update 17.50 for download. The patch is ready after a downtime this morning. That’s in it. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1380132,1380144,1380010,1378733'; The developers recently released a hotfix for the major Fortnite update 18.00. The update introduced armored walls, among other things, with which you give every building a good condition boost. The fortifications are available in bulk and anywhere on the ground. Fortnite started Season 8 of the current chapter with the update 18.00.Apple’s Indefinite ‘Fortnite’ Blacklisting Feels Personal, And Not Surprising
EpicEven though Epic squeaked out one win from the recent Apple trial ruling, forcing the developer to let games offer links to alternative payment methods, they overwhelmingly lost on all other counts that were meant to do things like force Apple to put Fortnite back on the store or prove that Apple was a monopolistic entity in the mobile space. Now, that has come with real consequences.
To paraphrase a common idiom, Epic messed around, now they’re finding out.
Epic’s plan in the wake of the decision was to resubmit Fortnite to the App Store under the new rules, offering a link to alternative payment methods, a variant of what got them thrown off the store in the first place. Apple had previously said that if Fortnite “played by the same rules as everyone else” they could be back on the store tomorrow.
Well, it seems they’re holding a grudge, which is no huge surprise. Apple has informed Epic that no, Fortnite cannot come back to the store, and it will not be allowed to until this entire court/lawsuit/appeals process is over with, which could be several years.
This news was revealed by an irate Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, in one of his traditional anti-Apple threads:
Apple says that statements made “since the trial” have contributed to them changing their mind, and Sweeney is guessing that it’s something like this tweet he made a couple weeks ago:
Sweeney’s crusade against Apple has always felt deeply personal, and even if you agree with him, his tactics, these tweet threads, the Fortnite “marketing” campaign against Apple with #FreeFortnite merch and even a game skin making fun of Apple as a greedy corporate overlord, has seemed somewhat misguided.
And the lawsuit itself carried a tremendous amount of risk. Epic clearly has designs on being one of the major contributors to the coming metaverse, a digital space where people hang out and interact and buy virtual things. Fortnite is further toward that end than most others, and yet they wanted to ensure that things were free and fair and not devoted to giving Apple 30% of everything that happens within a mobile portal to that metaverse. Instead, they have now found themselves blocked from a massive mobile ecosystem indefinitely, and there’s pretty much nothing they can do about it. In short, they lost. They lost the ability to expand their metaverse ambitions on iOS completely, and of course they have lost years and years and years of revenue from Fortnite and its microtransaction store being banned from the App Store for the indefinite future.
While many people may take issue with Apple’s handling of the marketplace, seeing this unfold the way it has is not exactly a surprise, given how personal Sweeney made this with Apple, and how naturally, they were going to do everything in their power to punish Epic for daring to bother them with all this, and to make them change anything about the store. As Sweeney says, this sort of does demonstrate the extreme power of their reach, and yet the counter-argument is, their store, their decision what to let on or kick off. And the court did not say that they had to let a game like Fortnite back on. So after all this, why would they?
It’s a messy situation and ultimately, this seems like it’s going to hurt Epic a lot more than Apple, barring any future appeals that may change the situation.
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