Diablo 2 Resurrected
Last week, the action role-playing game Diablo 2 Resurrected finally hit the market. But after the first great euphoria, some shadows fell over the remastered version of the classic. Because in addition to the technical problems, which are currently causing a lot of frustration, the fans are currently getting angry about another thing: the item trade via eBay.Shortly after the release, the first in-game items appeared at the big one Auction platform. The "Shako" headgear seems to be particularly popular at the moment, and several promotions can be found on eBay at the moment. This legendary item gives the character, among other things, a bonus on all skills, all attributes and the chance to find magical items. It is therefore not surprising that it is very popular with many Diablo Resurrected players. The prices on eBay are correspondingly high. Several copies of "Shako" are currently being offered there for well over 100 dollars, and some of these auctions have already been successful. The "Ber" rune also seems to be very popular.
However, this type of trading for real money was not particularly popular with many fans in the original 21 years ago and is currently not only causing cheers. This can be read at Reddit.com, among other places. In principle, this trade is also not allowed, so the actual handovers in the game are carried out with as much discretion as possible - which is somehow absurd in view of the public nature of the auctions.
How do you feel about this topic? Do you condemn the item trading in games like Diablo 2 Resurrected for real money or do you even like it? Write it in the comments!
Source: eBay
‘Diablo 2: Resurrected’ May Be A Little Too Faithful And Dated For Many
Diablo 2
BlizzardI’ve been playing Diablo 2: Resurrected the past few days, in addition to my time spent with the alpha before this. It’s an odd experience, given that in my youth I sunk, hundreds, thousands of hours into the game, so returning to this remaster now brings…mixed feelings, to say the least.
What Blizzard and Vicarious Visions have done here, graphically, is deeply impressive. The visual fidelity they’ve added to the world, gear and character models is fantastic, and everything you could hope to see from a remaster like this.
MORE FROM FORBESBlizzard Put To The Test With 'Diablo 2: Resurrected' LaunchBy Paul TassiThe main problem is trying to go from Diablo 3 back in time to Diablo 2 here in terms of a zillion other aspects of how the game actually plays. While Diablo 3 was initially criticized as being too much of a departure from 2, it evolved into an excellent game and did improve on the 2 in many significant ways. Now, going back in time, and losing many of those improvements does not feel great.
This is where the playerbase of Diablo 2 Resurrected will split, I’m guessing. Many will appreciate that the game is so faithful to the original, keeping all its systems intact. But others like me may wish they made more quality of life improvements past the ones they did implement (free respecing, for one), and others who just started with Diablo 3 will probably have the hardest time going back to 2 here.
Things I could have done without:
Diablo 2
BlizzardAnd yet, I understand why they went down this path. Changing any one of these systems may have created a butterfly effect that spiraled in a million different ways. You can’t just get rid of stamina, given that a number of actual skills are linked to it, so all those would be redesigned to. And so on. So it may have been the “better” call to just stick with almost everything the way it was and please the hardest core OG fans, though yes, the game likely will turn a number of players have with how cumbersome many aspects of it are compared to its sequel.
So in that sense, Diablo 2 Resurrected simply will not be for everyone. Surprisingly, it may not even be for me, despite my past history with the game. But that was 10-15 years ago now, and I’m just not sure I have the patience for many of these dated systems. At least not where I’m going to invest a significant amount of time in this. Others may be able to leap right back in and adjust, but I’m finding it hard so far.
Everyone will have to make their own judgement in the end. If you were a huge fan of the original, it’s hard not to recommend at least trying out Resurrected. But I’m not sure I can offer the same endorsement to those who started the series with Diablo 3, as this time warp is going to feel jarring and odd. I can see a case for Diablo 2 being remade in Diablo 3’s style, though that would have been its own level of controversy no doubt, and probably a lot more work. So here we are. I guess Diablo Immortal may end up being more my speed, after all.
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