Xbox Series X | S
Xbox Series X | S, as we have seen, are able to support several emulators that can make them machines suitable for retrogaming, although according to procedures that are not exactly regular, but in this case it is particularly interesting to note how the DuckStation emulator has reached a remarkable evolution, displaying PS1 games in 4K.The issue of emulation on consoles is always very controversial: emulators, by themselves, usually do not run into legal problems if they do not contain copyright infringements, but the their use is quite another matter, since it would presuppose the use of original games while almost always they are used through illegally downloaded ROMs.
In any case, the question remains fascinating, especially when you leave the PC environment , where emulation usually remains confined. We have already seen how Xbox Series S is perfect for emulation, being able to use well-optimized software for the new console, with further evolutions on the issue regarding the possibility of emulation without developer mode.
In this case, Modern Vintage Gamer's video focuses on DuckStation and its remarkable evolution as a PS1 game emulator. This is a new software that also upscales the resolution and improves the performance of some titles, at least judging from what you see in the movie.
Again, the emulator should require the activation of the developer mode on Xbox Series X | S, so its use is not exactly immediate, although this procedure is not particularly complicated either. Obviously the question always arouses a bit of a stir, considering the impossibility of having an official PS1 backwards compatibility given that Sony's policy, up to now, has not focused much on this aspect.
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Xbox Series X | S
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