Saints Row
Saints Row presented to the world the new chapter of the saga, a reboot for Xbox, PlayStation and PC coming on February 25, 2022. After sharing the announcement on Twitter, a fan criticized the new characters, but the developers responded to tone.As you can see in the tweet below, one user wrote: "I know you won't listen, but if you want fans to stop complaining and hitting on you, maybe, just maybe, you could replace these clowns and give us the real Saints (they don't have to be old gang members, just real gangstars). That would drive the hatred away from you. " As you can see, however, Saints Row's official account responded with a gif that states: "Haters gonna hate".
The user went on to say that he is not a hater and that he has always defended the saga, but now it seems that he no longer appreciates the direction of the game. The Saints Row account then states that the team has no plans to back down. He says, "We know, it's new and it's a shocking reaction to a reboot that's unlike any other."
Another user claims that "half the fanbase hates characters". This is obviously an exaggerated reaction, but nonetheless it is clear that Saints Row has not received the unanimous approval of all the fans. The saga is going in a different direction than some might have expected.
To find out all the details about the game, you can read our preview of Saints Row.
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Saints Row Reboot Studio Sticks to Its Guns as Fans Complain About the Reveal Trailer
The recently-revealed Saints Row reboot, which PlayStation LifeStyle previewed, seem to have divided fans already. Alongside negative reactions on Facebook and Twitter, the trailer has attracted a significant amount of dislikes on YouTube, as pointed out by Video Games Chronicle.
In response to backlash on Twitter, developer Volition has said that while it understands the different reactions, it’s “not backing down on this game.”
It all started when a follower complained about the reveal trailer, to which Volition replied by posting a “haters gonna hate” gif. That further upset the follower, which resulted in the exchange below:
A number of fans then rallied to support Volition, arguing that it’s too soon to make assumptions and pass judgments about the reboot.
“This is the biggest, richest and most ambitious Saints Row game we’ve ever created here at Volition,” Chief Creative Officer, Jim Boone, said following the reveal. “As a full reboot it’s a return to our series strengths and criminal roots. For the first time in the Saints Row series, players will build their game from scratch and get to witness the birth of the Saints. This is only the start of the journey we’re taking players on and we can’t wait to show you all the toys we’ve created in Saints Row.”
Saints Row will release in February 2022.
[Source: VGC]