Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl
During last week's Pokémon Presents, an entirely Pokémon-themed Direct, we learned of new details regarding the fourth generation remakes, Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl, coming to Nintendo Switch on November 19th.Players with Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl will return to the Sinnoh region with chibi graphics and a slightly more modernized play style: there is the Fairy type, absent back in 2006, and there are interesting new features such as the Great Dungeons and the customization of Poké Balls that we invite you to learn more about in this article. As usual, every double release of a Pokémon game hides exclusive creatures that can be obtained from one or the other version only by exchanging the monsters for multiplayer features.
Since 1995, from the very first generation of Pokémon, the exchange and exclusivity of some collectible creatures were the strengths of the saga that contributed to the spread and word of mouth of its brand. Below we list all the pocket monsters exclusive to Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl depending on the version they belong to, according to what has been communicated to us by The Pokémon Company. We do not know if the list will be expanded in the near future.
Pokémon exclusive to Shining Diamond
- Cranidos
- Ramparados
- Stunky
- Skuntank
- Dialga
Shining Pearl's exclusive Pokémon
- Shieldon
- Bastiodon
- Glameow
- Purugly
- Palkia
The differentiation of the two game versions is always clarified before the launch of the products in order to allow players to better understand whether to choose one or the other. We do not know if beyond the exclusive creatures there are also other differences related to the plot, maps or other elements of the game, but common sense and memories of the original games suggest so. In the meantime, we await new details such as the knowledge of the complete Pokédex: will there also be the new eighth generation Pokémon from Pokémon Sword and Shield or will the list stop at the fourth generation of belonging to these titles?
You can pre-order Pokémon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl on Amazon by following this link.
All version exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Because Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remaining faithful to the original games, the remakes are also going to feature exclusive Pokémon that can only be found in either version.
Version exclusive Pokémon have been a selling point for the franchise since it debuted with Pokémon Red and Green in 1995, forcing players to trade with friends or have access to the other game in some way in order to obtain certain species.
Compared to other titles, Diamond and Pearl were fairly short on which Pokémon from the Sinnoh region could only be found in one game and not both, and, according to early information about the remakes, the same is true for the remakes. This could change depending on how different the new game’s Pokédex is from the original’s.
We likely won’t have a full list of which Pokémon are version exclusive until the games actually release for Nintendo Switch on Nov. 19, but here are the species we know are going to be limited.
Brilliant DiamondThe post All version exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl appeared first on Dot Esports.