With only 1 euro it will therefore be possible to obtain:
Bridge Constructor Portal By increasing the offer to € 8.18, the average sales figure of the bundle, you will also get:
Total Tank Simulator Police Stories theHunter Call of the Wild With at least € 10.16, in addition to what was previously listed, you will also have:
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Lobotomy Corporation Monster Management Simulation Tank Mechanic Simulator In addition to allowing you to feast on great games at a super price, the Humble Seven Deadly Sins, this is the full name of the package, allows you to do some good too. Part of the proceeds will in fact be donated directly to charities, such as Whale and Dolphin Conservation.
If you are interested in making the Humble Seven Deadly Sins yours, you can easily follow the link below. But do it very quickly: this bundle will in fact remain available for purchase for a few more days, that is until next September 1st.
geekinco is Humble Bundle Official Partner. Purchases made through the links on this page will support both the charity and our site.