This is at least the 'warning issued by some British scientists, according to which the flow of solar wind could be accompanied by two coronal mass ejections of class G1, which could cause power surges, minor impacts on satellites and alter the migratory flows of birds. The disturbances could start as early as today Wednesday 25 August and last for two or three days.
Geomagnetic storms can also cause the Northern Lights This is not a topic that we usually deal with on our pages, but since the phenomenon could have repercussions in videogame activities (and obviously also working ones) of every day it was worth reporting it. Certainly it would be a drama if the power goes out during a heated multiplayer match or maybe while you are trying to buy PS5 on the MediaWorld website. Fortunately, it seems that the probabilities of interference and blackouts are not very high and any inconvenience should have a short duration.
Changing the subject, Pokémon will arrive in Italian McDonald's Happy Meals this week.
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