Call of Duty
If there is one mode that the Call of Duty saga has managed to clear through customs in a very short time, it is definitely Zombies. Over the years, and the chapters of COD released, the undead have haunted the different games, giving fans of this mode constantly new opportunities to return to killing zombies. Apparently, it appears that Activision has a major new expansion in development for Zombie mode.According to some recent rumors that have appeared on the net, the Zombies Chronicles 2 expansion may not only be in the thoughts of Actvision, but already in the works at one of the different teams that deals with the Call of Duty saga. Zombies Chronicles debuted on Black Ops 3 in 2017. However, since that release, there have been no official mentions or suggestions that a new Zombies Chronicles 2 expansion was on the way, until today.
According to the usual reliable Tom Henderson, Zombies Chronicles 2 has been in development for several years and most of the maps are ready. About a couple of months ago, a rumor circulated on the internet that the Zombie map of Berlin, which we now know is Mauer Det Toten, was the last zombie map for Black Ops Cold War. Now according to Henderson, a new batch of maps are set to debut in the Call of Duty series, including those in the Zombie Chronicles 2 expansion.
Hearing rumors that the BOCW Berlin map is the last DLC zombies map - This isn't the case. There's one more planned for September and Treyarch still have "Chronicles 2 maps" ready to go, but I'm not sure if those will release during BOCW.
- Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) June 14, 2021
Henderson closes by pointing out how this new expansion might be likely to arrive after the new main game in the Call of Duty series is released, then in the classic and traditional autumn time this year .
Waiting to know the first official details on the next COD, you can buy Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War on Amazon at this address.
Can GTA 5 Challenge Call Of Duty's Sales Throne In 2021?
When we talk about massive yearly sales, there’s only one game that comes to mind every single year without fail: Call of Duty.
When we talk about massively lifetime sales, there’s only one game that is so far ahead of all its competitive it barely even makes sense: Grand Theft Auto 5.
This year, these two are combining in an unusual way, and I’m wondering if a eight year old game that launched on PS3 and Xbox 360 might actually be the best-selling game of 2021. Or close.
This is the longest Call of Duty has waited to announce a new release outside of 2020’s Cold War. Not because of the recent Activision Blizzard lawsuit that has taken over the news cycle, but because the plan was always to announce the new game within Warzone, rather than at or near an event like E3 in June. The new season of Warzone will begin soon, but it may be as short as a 2-3 month lead-up until the game is actually out in November.
Call of Duty
ActivisionBesides Warzone itself now being a directly competitor to its own companion game, there are three more factors to consider this year in particular.
Battlefield 2042 – This has always been a rival to Call of Duty as a fellow multiplatform military-based FPS, but it doesn’t come out every year. But 2042 is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated games of the fall, after promising previews earlier this summer, and could eat into COD’s spotlight pretty easily.
Halo Infinite – COD versus Halo is an ancient rivalry at this point, but this year, it’s actually relevant again given the glowing reviews everyone has been giving Halo Infinite’s multiplayer, based on recent technical test. Given that it will be on Game Pass, and only on Xbox and PC, actual sales of Infinite won’t rival Call of Duty, but will it zap away eyeballs and interest? To be sure.
GTA 5 – Rockstar has just announced that GTA 5 has moved 150 million copies since its release in 2013. It has already spanned two generations and is now about to be released on a third this fall, with the game coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X at last in a form other than backward compatibility. This is not a free upgrade to existing versions, so far as we know, as Rockstar is trying to get another full generation of sales out of the game here, and I do think it could pose a threat to Call of Duty, despite its age. Simply nothing sells as well as GTA 5, and there’s a reason it’s stayed on yearly top ten lists for its entire lifespan.
More in the video above.
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