In this preview, we see Clark Kent with the features of Christopher Reeve walking through Metropolis towards the headquarters of the Daily Planet together with Margot Kidder's Lois Lane. During the walk, he is seen discreetly using his optical beams to stop a mugger who has just robbed an old woman.
The designer Torres has provided some statements about the project.
There is no is a fictional character that I love more than Superman, and of all the interpretations of the big boy in comics, animation, television and cinema, the version of Christopher Reeve and Richard Donner is the one I love the most. Working on this project is literally seeing my childhood dream come true.
Robert Venditti also shared his joy at working on this series.
The oldest memory I have of DC Comics is seeing Christopher Reeve flying across the screen. Many will say that the era of John Byrne or that of Dan Jurgens is their favorite image of Superman, mine is that of Reeve. Superman is and will always be my favorite hero of all time, but I never could have imagined being able to do Superman '78 simply because I didn't think it was achievable. It is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Some variant covers of Superman '78 # 1 also made by Wilfredo Torres were also shown.
Superman '78 is part of DC Comics' project to create comic series inspired by some film and television transpositions of its main characters. In addition to the one about Superman, Sam Hamm's Batman '89, designed by Joe Quinones, and inspired by the Tim Burton film with Michael Keaton, has also been announced, which will be followed by Wonder Woman '77 with Linda Carter and Batman '66 with Adam. West.