Minecraft continues to be an immense source of entertainment and creativity for all gamers. Gone are those times when the cubed title depopulated on the net, but the community of fans is still very numerous and strongly attached to the Mojang sandbox. The still numerous creations that the various users share among themselves on the net can testify to this. One of the most recent, has made it possible to visit the pizza of a well-known video game inside the sandbox of a thousand cubes.Just recently an enthusiast shared his most recent creation on Reddit, a sort of small cross-over between Minecraft and the beloved indie Stardew Valley. From what we can see at the moment some buildings have been recreated such as Pierre's shop and Harvey's clinic, along with the square that branches off to the homes of some of the lovely inhabitants of Stardew Valley. So far, we only have the town square, although the creator has already stated that he wants to recreate the entire map.
Stardew Valley is a game that goes particularly well with Minecraft. Both titles leave players ample freedom and can be played at a slow pace, almost as if to lull their fans into a reasoned and relaxing routine. This is why reviewing the town square of Stardew Valley recreated in the Mojang title by this enthusiast immediately gave us a very positive feeling.
I recreated the town square in minecraft. from StardewValley
As you can also see from the post published on Reddit, the final result is very precise, and for this reason we can't wait to see how the whole town will be recreated complete with Stardew Valley within Minecraft.
If you too want to try your hand at recreating everything that comes into your head, you can buy your copy of Minecraft on Amazon at this address.
TommyInnIt's Minecraft skins, mods, Discord server, MCC performance, and more
In recent years, YouTube has experienced an upsurge in the number of new Minecraft YouTubers. After PewDiePie's successful Minecraft Let's Play series, many YouTubers and players were inspired to create gaming content.
It led to the rise of many excellent content creators li/ke Dream, GeorgeNotFound, TommyInnit, etc. Out of all of them, TommyInnit has successfully stood out with his hilarious Minecraft videos.
Thomas Simons, popularly known online as Tommy or TommyInnit, is a Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer hailing from England. He started his gaming career by streaming Fortnite, PUBG, and Hypixel Bedwars on Twitch.
Over time, his number of viewers started growing and formed a community of active Hypixel players. In 2019, Tommy experienced a massive growth in subscribers when Hypixel Skyblock blew up on YouTube. Subsequently, his channel became one of the fastest-growing ones.
Nowadays, Tommy rarely posts any Hypixel Skyblock videos. His videos now revolve around Dream SMP and collaborations with other YouTubers. The teenager has over 10 million subscribers on his main channel on YouTube and also boasts 6 million followers on Twitch.
TommyInnit's Minecraft skinsTommyInnit has used his iconic skin since his Hypixel days and continues to use it everywhere. The internet star's classic Minecraft skin has blonde hair, a white shirt with red color on both shoulders, and light brown jeans.
TommyInnit is the ninth member to join the famous Dream SMP. He is among the oldest members of the server and has taken part in many lore events. During these events, participants change their skins depending on the theme.
TommyInnit has also used many different skins on Dream SMP, like a business suit, exile skin, L'Manberg uniform, and more.
TommyInnit's Minecraft modsFans may already know that Tommy loves playing Minecraft mods with his friends. He has uploaded many videos featuring modded Minecraft gameplay. Some of his popular mod videos include the following mods:
Some of these mods are available for free download on CurseForge.
MCC PerformanceTommyInnit is a regular player of Minecraft Championships. He has participated in all MCCs except the first one. Out of 14 canon events, the 17-year-old has only won once, i.e., in MCC 4.
In the recent MCC 15, Tommy's individual rank was 17th, whereas his team, Green Guardians, ranked 6th.
TommyInnit's Discord server, Twitter, Instagram, and moreBeing the fastest-growing Twitch streamer, it is obvious that Tommy has a Discord server for his massive fanbase. Sadly, there's a limit to how many people can join a server. His server already has over 730K members. Twitch subs can also join an exclusive discord.
TommyInnit is also available on Twitter and Instagram, where fans can follow him. Here are the links to TommyInnit's Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and more: