Credit: Photo by Deepanker Verma from Pexels
At present, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers only allow you to copy only a few file types with native applications, including JPEG, PNG and HTML. Thanks to the Pickle Clipboard API it will be possible to carry out the same operation also, for example, with Word documents (.docx), raster images (.TIFF) and many other formats not natively designed specifically for the Web. The use of these new APIs will offer undoubtedly several advantages also for exchanging files between PWA (Progressive Web App) and desktop applications, starting with Google Docs and Google Sheet, which could support Office 365 file types and much more.
Credit: Microsoft More specifically, the Pickle Clipboard APIs will allow websites to “read and write arbitrary payloads using a standardized pickling format, as well as read and write a limited subset of OS-specific formats (to support legacy apps ). The name of the clipboard format is changed by the browser in a standardized way to indicate that the content comes from the web, which allows native applications to accept it ”. But not only! The APIs will allow developers to have more control over the copy and paste function with custom formats.
Unfortunately, we currently don't know when these APIs will be officially made available, but we will not fail to promptly update you on them in the future.
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