Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Generations from 2011 has been expanded to include a mod that is probably not suitable for all players. Hobby developer Skyth has integrated a first-person camera with which you can experience the adventure from the perspective of Sonic the Hedgehog. Not only the high speed of the blue hedgehog is a strain for one or the other stomach - players can also experience all jumps and somersaults as a first-person perspective. There is an impression in the video.Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. The developer makes it clear in advance that he is not responsible for what happens to the player when using his mod. He would also like to point out that the gameplay sections in 2D are a bit difficult to navigate due to the first-person perspective. If you want to try the whole thing, you can find the mod on Skyth's Discord server. The HedgeModManager is also required for the installation of the first-person extension.
Sonic Generations was released in November 2011 for PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and the Nintendo 3DS. The first-person mod is of course only compatible with the PC version. Just a few weeks ago, Sega announced a new Sonic adventure that will be released next year and should lay the foundation for many more titles with the blue hedgehog. No details have been revealed about the game itself. At the same time, a Netflix series called "Sonic Prime" is being worked on, some pictures of which were recently leaked online.
First-person Sonic the Hedgehog mod looks like great way to puke fast
There’s a reason many games are played in third-person, despite modders’ attempts to retrofit games with first-person cameras. We’ve seen it in games like Dark Souls 3, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and The Sims 4, but few things have ever been quite as nausea-inducing as modder Skyth’s first-person mod for Sonic Generations.
Skyth, self-described as a programmer and reverse engineer who mods Sonic games, released a preliminary look at a new Sonic mod that confirms the hedgehog has an iron stomach. Every flip, bounce, and blast through the air of Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary looks hurl-worthy, because it’s all from Sonic’s point of view and there’s zero camera stabilization.
“I am absolutely NOT responsible for what happens to you,” Skyth said of the mod, which is available for download, “play at your own risk.” Hell, watch at your own risk, Skyth said: “warning: this video is going to badly hurt your eyes.”
Skyth notes that the 2D sections of Sonic Generations “are hard to navigate,” if not vomit-inducing, and that prospective players “might want to enable Disable Boost Particles code as well.”
“Enjoy the suffering,” Skyth added.
First-person Sonic the Hedgehog action has been attempted before, notably in a popular video made for Machinima way back in 2013. That version mercifully stabilized the camera, and reimagined something far more serene, Green Hill Zone from the original Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic Generations was originally released in 2011 and featured “classic” and “modern” versions of Sonic the Hedgehog levels, presented in 2D sidescrolling and 3D platforming styles. A new Sonic the Hedgehog 3D adventure is due in 2022.