Pokémon GO
A new event is about to start in Pokémon Go: "A Very Slow Discovery" goes live on June 8th. A time for the activation is already known: The in-game event can be played from 10 a.m. You will then have until June 13th, 8 p.m., to take part in the hustle and bustle. "A very slow discovery" shows Flegmon, Galar-Flegmon, Mega-Lahmus and Galar-Lahmus. There are also other Pokémon on the move that are either slow or hyperactive.Galar-Flegmon appears for the first time in Pokémon Go. You can evolve it into Galar Lame by catching 30 Poison-Type Pokémon while it is your buddy Pokémon. "According to reports, Galar slacking takes some time for his debut in Pokémon Go. It probably forgot the date," writes Niantic of the new event. In addition, Mega Lahmus appears for the first time in the Mega Raids. During the event, keep an eye out for exclusive field research tasks for which you will receive mega-energy for Lahmus.
In the wilderness of Pokémon Go you will meet Flegmon, Bummelz, Schluppuck and Spoink - Lahmus and Muntier are also on their way to the event . Galar-Flegmon, Alola-Sleima, Muschas, Sheinux and Praktibalk appear in raid fights of level 1, while Relaxo, Laschoking, Letarking and Toxiquak appear in raid fights of level 3. Additional rewards await you if you do exclusive field research with difficult ones Complete tasks. If you master a thematic collection challenge all about Flegmon in "A Very Slow Discovery", you will receive an exclusive Flegmon shirt, 30 hyperballs and 3,000 EP.
Also stop by the Pokémon Go shop for Flegmon-inspired avatar accessories. For the event, stop by the Pokéstops and open gifts to collect new Flegmon-inspired gift stickers to send to your friends. And: In the shop you can pick up a free box for the event that contains 20 Pokéballs, ten superballs and a king stone.
Pokemon Go Just A Nibble: Here Are The Just A Nibble Ticket Details, Tasks And Rewards
Last Updated: 7th June, 2021 17:31 ISTPokemon Go Just a Nibble research quest is live with Pokemon Go June community. Learn more about Just a Nibble ticket, research quest tasks, and rewards here.IMAGE: POKEMONGOAPP TWITTER
Pokemon Go is a game that has been accepted by a massive number of people. The accessibility and the constant content are the main reasons for the success of the game. Pokemon Go holds a wide selection of Pokemon for players to catch, battle with, and more. Apart from that, the game has also introduced research quests that players can complete for bonus rewards in the game. The latest one is called the Just a Nibble research quest. Players want to learn more about Pokemon Go Just a Nibble research quest.
Pokemon Go Just a Nibble research questJust a Nibble is a research quest that is a part of the June Community Day. This quest will begin on the 6th of June between 11 am and 5 pm local time. The players will have to purchase the Just a Nibble Ticket for 1$ from the in-game store to participate in the research quest. This research quest revolves around the Pokemon Gible, the players can complete this quest to earn Gible evolution encounters and a lucky ticket. Only if the players will have the Just a Nibble Ticket, then only they will be eligible for the rewards for completing the quest. There are a series of tasks that have to be completed in 4 parts to be eligible for the Just a Nibble Rewards. Check out all the Just a Nibble Tasks and Just a Nibble rewards below:
Just a Nibble Part 1