Sunset Overdrive
Sunset Overdrive was developed by Insomniac Games and was released exclusively for the Xbox One in 2014. Since 2018, the title has also been available for the PC. A year later, Sony bought the development studio and received the rights to Sunset Overdrive. Sony registered a trademark for Sunset Overdrive on April 26, 2021.Recommended editorial content Here you can find external content from [PLATFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. The trademark was discovered by the Twitter user Nibel. In the thread of his tweet, of course, alleged leaks are already being thrown around. A "Refreshed Edition" of Sunset Overdrive (buy now / 19.99 €) for the PS4 and PS5</a>, as well as a successor to the title, should be published. The document also includes titles such as Project Cars 3, Sonic Colors Ultimate, and Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PlayStation 5. The latter has already been officially announced.
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Sunset Overdrive: PC version confirmed, release already today
The rumors from the recent past have come true: Sunset Overdrive is actually released for the PC. PC XBO 0Sunset Overdrive: PC release according to Amazon already this week
The indications of an imminent release of the action game Sunset Overdrive for the PC are increasing. PC XBO 0Sunset Overdrive: Rating of the ESRB indicates PC release
Sunset Overdrive could soon appear for the PC. A classification by the ESRB indicates an imminent release. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1371502,1269429,1269211,1268417'; Of course you shouldn't really believe these leaks, but you can never be completely sure. Perhaps Sony would like to bring the 2014 title to their consoles through a remake. Maybe they're already working on a sequel. Maybe Sony just wants to get its sheep dry. What is certain is that Sunset Overdrive is still available in the Xbox Store and is still part of the Xbox Game Pass.Sunset Overdrive was a lot of fun for us in our test and also left the average reviews on Metacritic fall a positive light on the title. Some players would certainly be happy about a remake or a successor.
Sunset Overdrive has been trademarked by Sony
Sony has registered a trademark for one of the best Xbox One exclusives, Sunset Overdrive, prompting speculation that something could be in the works.Twitter sleuth Nibellion spotted the new trademark, which was filed last month. Naturally, the internet is now in a frenzy about what this could mean, with some believing that a sequel could be on the way, a remaster, or that a PlayStation release is on the cards. However, the filing could simply just be a renewal of the trademark and nothing more.Sunset Overdrive was developed by Insomniac Games and launched back in 2014 as an Xbox exclusive to rave reviews before making its way to PC in 2018. Sony then acquired Insomniac Games along with the Sunset Overdrive IP in 2019.
What's also interesting (and what could be purely coincidental) is that the renewal was filed shortly after Drew Murray's return to Insomniac Games. Murray recently left Xbox studio The Initiative to rejoin Insomniac, where he was director for Sunset Overdrive.
Would you like to see a Sunset Overdrive sequel? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.