This does not necessarily mean that the PlayStation 5 ( buy now) is more desirable than the Xbox Series X | S, as the Ampere analyst Piers Harding-Rolls emphasizes. Both consoles are currently suffering from the bottlenecks and cannot increase their production. Buyers could simply buy the console that is currently available instead of the console they really want. At this point in time it is therefore not possible to make a clear statement about the demand on the two consoles. Incidentally, the Nintendo Switch sold 5.86 million units, doubling sales of the PlayStation 5.
Sony announced last month that they shipped a total of 3.3 million PS5 consoles worldwide in the quarter from January to the end of March 2021. With 2.83 million units sold, that means that some of these consoles have not yet found their way into the hands of buyers.
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