Highrise City
There will soon be a competitor from Germany for the urban planning simulation Cities: Skylines. The publisher Deck13 has announced a new simulation with Highrise City, which comes from the development studio Fourexo Entertainment, which is based in Dresden. However, the release will not be available until 2022, a specific date has not yet been set. But at least there are the first interesting details about the gameplay.Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I agree that external content can be displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. According to the developers, Highrise City should be a mix of classic city planning and complex economic simulation. You not only have to take care of the development and expansion of a new metropolis, but also keep a close eye on its economic aspects. Among other things, the resource trade with other cities plays an important role. There should be a total of 50 different types of these raw materials, so you should have a lot to do. Research into new technologies and their targeted use in your city are also on the program. There will also be five social classes with different needs that you will have to take care of. With a population of up to a million, this certainly adds up to a lot.
Incidentally, the developers of Fourexo Entertainment are already promising full mod support for Highrise City, so that no major obstacles are placed in the way of the creative minds of the community. In addition, an integration of the Steam Workshop is planned, for example to easily share your work with other fans. The first trailer and some screenshots of Highrise City can be found directly below this message.
Source: Deck13
Combine City Building and Economics in Highrise City
Highrise City is described as both a city builder and an economic simulator, and will allow players to create cities with up to a million inhabitants and more than 30,000 buildings with 'countless' amounts of people walking up and down the streets. The game is built on Unreal Engine 4 and was awarded with a MegaGrant by Epic Games.
There are also 5 different population classes, 50 different resources, up to 5k cards and vehicles per scene, up to 20k people per scene, and cities can become as big as 194 square kilometers. There will also be adjustable difficulty levels for newcomers or more advanced players, and you will be able to improve your city with laws and technology research. If you're into it, you can trade your resources to balance your economy.
As expected with a city builder releasing on Steam, there will also be Steam Workshop integration. The game is 100% moddable, which means that you'll be able to use the integrated building editor to 'develop and implement an individual look for your custom city.' This can then be shared online with your fellow city-building aficionados. If you want to build your own buildings, skyscrapers, or change the types of streets in Highrise City, the world is your moddable oyster.
If this sounds like a game that has piqued your interest, be sure to check it out and wishlist it on Steam or GOG. The game will be released sometime in 2022, and if you would like more information on Highrise City, stay tuned to TechRaptor for more details.
What do you think of Highrise City? Are you interested in a game that combines city building with economic management? Let us know in the comments!