Dying Light 2
In the past few weeks it had become relatively quiet around the zombie action game Dying Light 2 - apart from a few snippets of information and hints. But the radio silence will soon come to an end: As the Techland development studio has revealed with the help of some teaser videos, a streaming event will take place on May 27, 2021 - tomorrow, Thursday.The starting shot for the The stream falls at 9:00 p.m. German time, you can follow it on Techland's official Twitch channel. However, the team has not yet revealed what exactly you can expect during the event, so that there is enough space for speculation of all kinds. It is possible that the developers will finally announce the specific release date for Dying Light 2 (buy now) during the event. In this regard, there was a notice only a few weeks ago that the publication is still planned for the course of this year - but there has not yet been a confirmation. It is also conceivable that you will be served more details about the content and some currently unknown features.
Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. It is also possible that there is more specific information about the recently leaked Platinum Edition of the first Dying Light. According to current information, this should contain both the main game and all previously published DLCs and rumor has it that it will appear in the Microsoft Store on May 27, 2021 - on the day of the event. We will of course keep you up to date.
Source: Techland, Gematsu
Big ‘Dying Light 2’ Announcement Incoming This Week
Dying Light 2's release date could be announced later this week, at long last.
Credit: TechlandDying Light 2 has been in development for years following the successful 2015 launch of Dying Light, a zombie parkour game with fun movement mechanics and an exciting open world.
That game was a lot of fun. I loved how fluid moving through the city was, and how the day/night cycle impacted the ferocity of your zombie assailants. The second game, which features branching story lines and choices, a co-op campaign and much-improved graphics has been a title I’m really looking forward to, but we’ve heard next to nothing for a year or more now outside of the Chris Avellone controversy.
But a big announcement is coming this Thursday. I received a Dying Light 2 mailer and inside was a poster and a black light flashlight. When shone upon the poster, the black light revealed the words “27th of May 9pm CEST.”
That translates to 12pm PT / 3pm ET in the United States. In other words, a big announcement is coming this Thursday and if I had to place a bet, I’d say we’ll finally learn when the game is actually releasing. We’ll also probably see more of it in action and learn some more about the world, story and gameplay.
So stay tuned. This is definitely a title way up on my most-anticipated list so I’m eager to learn more. I made a video with the poster in question which you can watch below:
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