Zombie Army 4
Zombie Army 4 was made suitable for the next-gen. With the free new gen upgrade, the title for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S has been improved a lot. A dynamic 4k resolution with 60 frames per second is now possible on the PlayStation 5. For the Xbox Series S, Rebellion donated a 1080p resolution with also 60 frames per second. The Xbox Series X scores with either a 4k resolution with 60 FPS or a 1080p resolution with 120 FPS. All consoles also benefit from reduced loading times and DRS.Recommended editorial content Here you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. In addition to the upgrade for next-gen consoles, the update also brought some improvements and bug fixes. So there were some changes to the balancing for the mission "Death Canal". Cross-play between the Windows 10 Store, the Epic Games Store, and Steam is now also available. Furthermore, new music is now playing in Zombie Army 4. All details about the new update can be found on the game's official page.
Zombie Army 4 (buy now 19.98 €): Dead War is currently part of Playstation Plus and should be part of the Xbox Game Pass in the near future. Of course, we also have a test on the title ready for you.
Zombie Army 4 Next-Gen Update Arrives This Week On PS5 And Xbox Series X|S
Zombie Army 4: Dead War is adding a free next-gen update this week that'll apply some extra grim detail to all the undead Nazis roaming the cities of Europe. Developer Rebellion detailed the upgrades in a fresh blog post, which will see the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions patched to feature a dynamic 4K resolution and 60fps, while Xbox Series S players can expect a 1080p mode running that also runs at 60fps. Xbox Series X will have the added benefit of 120fps gameplay at 1080p, a feature that'll be absent on PS5.
Originally released on PS4 and Xbox One consoles last year, the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X versions of Zombie Army 4: Dead War were capable of running the game at 60fps in Performance mode, while Quality mode provided a 30fps option with a higher resolution. You can see the full list of how the game will perform on each console below:
Xbox Series X (April 8)Includes quality/performance toggle with the following settings
A new patch has also been released this week, providing further balance changes, cross-platform multiplayer for Windows 10 Store with Steam and Epic, general bug fixes:
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Patch NotesIf you've been curious about Rebellion's zombie-slaying game that mixes Sniper Elite's gruesome kill-shots with more occult themes, now's a good time to try it out for the low price of an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or PS Plus subscription.
Best PS Plus deal
You can snag a 12-month PS Plus code for $31 via eBay.
See at eBayZombie Army 4 will be headed to Xbox Game Pass on April 8, and is already available as this month's free PS Plus game alongside Days Gone and Oddworld: Soulstorm.
The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site.
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Now Playing: Zombie Army 4: Dead War – Official Dead Zeppelin Gameplay Trailer
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