PS Plus
Also in May 2021, PS Plus users can look forward to additional "free" games for PS5 and PlayStation 4. If Sony does not change anything in the previous process, the announcement of the new inclusive games will follow tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28th. As a rule, Sony presents the upcoming PS Plus line-up on the last Wednesday of the current month. The games will then be available for download on the following Tuesday. Accordingly, the release of the "free" games for PS Plus in May 2021 would be expected on May 4th. The games will then be available in the PlayStation Store after the current PSN update - usually in the course of the morning.You will then have a month to link the games to your PSN account. If you have done this in time, you can play the games permanently within an active PS Plus membership. An annual subscription for PlayStation Plus costs around 60 euros. There are no indications of the possible game line-up for PS Plus in May 2021. If details about the offer are leaked or announced in advance, you will find out as usual on our website.
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PS Plus in April 2021 - Free games for subscribers to download from today for PS5 and PlayStation 4 - until May 3rd Available in 2021. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1370918,1370694,1369961,1369794'; Until the upcoming inclusive games are activated, you will still have access to the games that Sony distributed in April. Days Gone and Zombie Army 4: Dead War are available for download on PS4. PS5 users link their library to the Oddworld: Soulstorm adventure. We have a video ready below this message. We will keep you up to date in our news area.Recommended editorial content Here you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration.
PlayStation Plus Free Games May 2021: Predictions, Rumors, Leaks And More
Battlefield V
DICEMay is nearly here, and that means a new slate of PlayStation Plus free games. April brought us Days Gone, Oddworld Soulstorm and Zombie Army 4: Dead War, and came with a bit of controversy as that was also the month the Days Gone writer said you should be buying games you love new, rather than waiting for them to go on sale or be on…PlayStation Plus. Yikes.
In any case, it’s time for a new set of games, and even if PlayStation doesn’t have a full answer to Game Pass yet, its free games are always a hit every time they arrive.
Some possibilities:
Battlefield V – The next big Battlefield game is likely going to be announced soon, so it would make sense for EA to put the last mainline game up on PS Plus for free at this point. This has also been the target of a few different rumors that yes, it is indeed one of the May games.
Nier: Automata – This has been a common fan request for a while now, and with Nier Replicant now released, it could be a great time for this to surface on PS Plus.
Godfall – Too soon for a PS5 launch game to head to PS Plus? Not if it’s Godfall, which really did not catch on like Miles Morales or Demon’s Souls back in November. With DLC coming, they may want to get more people on board, and also the game has been patched a lot since launch. We’ve heard a dedicated PS5 game may be one of the picks, and there aren’t all that many of those.
Star Wars Squadrons – If EA is not doing a Battlefield release then they may decide to put the somewhat overlooked Star Wars Squadrons on PS Plus instead to give it some more attention.
Stranded Deep
Stranded DeepStranded Deep – This is a rumored pick for one of the smaller games that might be featured, but it’s a game with a fair amount of problems so giving it its own PS Plus feature while those are not fixed would be a bit odd.
GTA 5 – We have seen GTA 5 come to Game Pass a few times now, so is it time for the game to show up for free on PS Plus? I keep hearing this every month but the game sells so well on PlayStation that I would be surprised if it ever actually comes to pass.
Uncharted: Lost Legacy – Another popular request, and a game that seems like it really should have arrived on PS Plus by now, but it hasn’t happened yet. The director of this game just returned to Naughty Dog from Crystal Dynamics, so it would be a good time to celebrate his re-arrival.
Those are the “top” picks for now, and if I had to pick three, I’ll go with Battlefield V, Godfall and Stranded Deep. We should know the real answer soon enough.
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