GTA 5 Online
In GTA Online, the in-game account can never be full enough. So that you never run out of funds, some particularly resourceful players have worked out a method that will bring you 100,000 GTA dollars within about three minutes. The best thing about it: In principle, you can repeat the process as often as you like.A recently published video on the YouTube channel "Light Skin Gaming" shows you step by step how the method works. It's not even that difficult or challenging, but at least it takes some practice. It is important to have the fastest and most error-free ride possible on a motorcycle. Here is an overview of the individual steps:
Open the map in GTA Online Select the time trial option in the legend of the map Find a time trial for a player that starts at Los Santos International Airport as soon as you have highlighted this time trial SouthernSanAndreasSuperAutos.com Set the filter to display motorcycles Buy the Pegassi Bati 801 for 15,000 GTA dollars If possible, you can also buy all upgrades that are not absolutely necessary Start the time trial Follow the route you see in the video see, to create the time. Forget 100,000 GTA dollars as a reward. Recommended editorial content Here you will find external content from [PLATFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. Once you've internalized this sequence and memorized racing the motorcycle, it is easily possible to earn up to a million GTA dollars in an hour. It is therefore the ideal method to fill the in-game account.
Source: YouTube
Stunt Jump map locations for GTA 5 and GTA Online
There are few things in GTA 5 as satisfying as gliding through the air in a fast car while vaulting over two lanes and landing on the other side. Stunt Jumps have always been an integral part of the GTA franchise, ever since the early days of Grand Theft Auto 3.
With the introduction of vehicles in a 3D open-world the size of GTA, Rockstar Games needed a way for players to experiment and play around with these vehicles. It started with the devs placing convenient ramps all over Liberty City, which stood as a clear indication that players should try and jump off them.
Gradually, Rockstar began incorporating more subtle and elegant indications into Stunt Jumps in GTA games. Grand Theft Auto 5, as well as Online, contain some of the most exciting Stunt Jumps in the series, but they are also carefully hidden.
Hence, players often require a map of locations to complete all 50 of them, spread across Los Santos and Blaine County.
Apart from the sheer thrill of a Stunt Jump, there are other reasons why players should complete all 50 of them. For completionists, grabbing that Platinum Trophy means everything, and to get it in GTA 5, players will need to complete all 50 Stunt Jumps.
General locationsThe trophy 'Show Off' is unlocked after players complete all 50 jumps, present in GTA 5's story mode and Online.
Ideally, players will want to start from the top of the map in Blaine County and work their way towards Los Santos.
The ones in Los Santos are densely packed, which is why they are far quicker to complete. The ones in Blaine County are often far apart and require the player to go off-track completely.
For the best results, players should use Franklin to complete all Stunt Jumps since he has the Special Ability to slow down time while in a vehicle. This feature allows players to have more control over the jump's direction and pace since attempts can often fail should they miss the ramp.
Players don't have that luxury in GTA Online, so it is advised to complete them in story mode. Plus, they can often run into pesky enemies who are dead-set on ruining their jumps.
Published 15 Apr 2021, 12:57 IST