Cyberpunk 2077: so many angry gamers asked for money back

Cyberpunk 2077: so many angry gamers asked for money back

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 performed fantastically in our test - on the PC. Even there, but especially on PS4 and Xbox One, many gamers were massively disappointed with what they got; a really bugged experience, which also did not contain many promised features. It went so far that Sony threw the title out of the Playstation Store without further ado, a circumstance that has not changed to this day To hide console sockets in order to maintain its good reputation, among other things with the worldwide service "Help Me Refund". With this, disappointed buyers could return Cyberpunk 2077 (buy now € 43.95) and get their money back, both for digital and retail purchases. At an investor conference, CD Projekt Red has now revealed how often the service has been used.

According to official information, this has happened about 30,000 times. That would have cost the manufacturer a little more than 1.85 million euros in total. However, these direct costs are only a small part of the actual expenditure. Return costs and "expected adjustments for license reports" whatever you mean by that, all related to the 4th quarter of 2020, increase the total costs to around 42.5 million euros Sold 13.7 million times, of which 56 percent fall on PC and Stadia, 28 percent on PS4 and 17 percent on Xbox. Here it must of course be considered that the numbers may have shifted due to the discontinuation of sales in the PS Store.

Buy Cyberpunk 2077 (PC) on Amazon Attention: The 30,000 returned units, of course, only relate to CD Projekt Red How many games were returned outside of "Help Me Refund", for example directly from retailers, is not known, but the number is likely to be significantly higher.

Did you return Cyberpunk 2077 via "Help Me Refund"? How was your experience with the service? Tell us in the comments!

Cyberpunk 2077: Revisiting the Game on an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series Laptop

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But before I get to that, a brief introduction to ray tracing for those unfamiliar. In short, it’s a cutting edge graphical advancement where every beam of light is simulated and tracked in a virtual world. That means that light, shadow, and reflections are recreated in a way never seen before for truly mesmerizing realism. In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, this initially manifests itself in the neon signs reflected in glass, water, and on the many shiny metal surfaces that occupy the game world. But it’s also present in shadows that loom eerily around corners, twisting their shape to adapt to the game’s many shifting light sources. It’s remarkably immersive.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a good looking game with a distinctive art style that’ll stay with you long after the end credits roll, and the ray tracing elevates it to a whole new level – and not always in ways that you’re actively aware of. 

After all, when you’re stewing on Dexter DeShawn’s double cross or arguing with the ghost of Johnny Silverhand, you’re unlikely to be thinking of, say, the subtle shadow cast by the trinkets scattered across tables, or how the reflections on the ground shift as an advert plays on a video billboard. 

The luxurious Konpeki Plaza hotel feels especially mind blowing, from the reflection of you and Jackie in the glass doors on the walk up, to the soft glow emanating from lights on the reception desk. And when you finally hit your room on the 42nd floor with the floor-to-ceiling windows, it’s such a treat to simultaneously see panoramic views of Night City and the reflection of your room’s furniture.

But with RTX disabled, the absence of these lighting effects is a constant reminder that you’re in a video game – it’s just not how light behaves in real life, and it feels instinctively wrong, even if you’re not conscious as to why.