Wesley Snipes could have played Black Panther

Wesley Snipes could have played Black Panther

Wesley Snipes told Collider magazine (you can read the original article at this link) that in the 1990s he could have played the role of Black Panthe r instead of Blade. The interview with the well-known magazine concerned the actor's recent involvement in the film Prince Seeks a Son with Eddie Murphy, available to all subscribers on Amazon Prime Video. On this occasion, however, Snipes talked about his past and how the film industry linked to the world of comics was profoundly different in the nineties, when the actor brought the character of Blade to the big screen.

Snipes explained that until 1994 it would have been impossible to think of a cinecomic as we understand it now, and it is certainly positive that Black Panther has been transposed in more recent times and played by the late Chadwick Boseman who has become, over time, a true and his own legend in the guise of T'Challa. The actor also adds that in those years it would have been difficult to make the film not only for the rudimentary technological means, but also for political and ideological issues. The name Black Panther in the Hollywood imagination was closely linked to the revolutionary group (the Black Panthers) active from the mid-sixties to the eighties.

The actor then also explains the importance of the film The Prince Search Wife (Prequel of the film The Prince Seeks Son), released in 1988 which for the first time showed a prince from Africa "rich and jeweled", showing the other side of the continent, not only that of poverty and famine: “This meant a lot. It meant a lot to everyone. Those of us who have studied African history know that these things exist and that the world in general does not know, ”Snipes added.

To all fans of Wesley Snipes and the character of Blade, we recommend purchasing the beautiful steelbook from the first film at this link.