Valheim is one of the most successful games of this early 2021, but it's not a complete game and it's not perfect either. On a graphic level, for example, it has some limitations. Now, however, the modder "aC0C0NUT" has released a new HD Texture Pack which improves about 255 textures of the survival game. The weight of the mod is about 1.2 GB.Valheim's HD Texture Pack mod also fixes some fog related issues. The textures are all in 2K and the qualitative difference is remarkable: you can see an example below, with a comparison between the old and the new foliage textures. If your PC is capable of introducing these textures without performance loss, there is no reason not to use them.
Here are the Valheim texture categories that have been changed:
grass trees shrubs and bushes wooden building elements stone building elements forging equipment (except the blacksmith's anvil, as the modder did not find the texture map) swords (iron, silver, black metal) shield (they have the modder logo above, versions without logo will be released in the future, you can remove them and restore the original ones via the / CustomTexture folder) iron armor silver armor padded armor troll hideout lifeboat ship cloaks green and black banners
You can find the Valheim mod on Nexus Mod.
Finally, we would like to point out that Valheim has reached 6 million copies in 6 weeks, here are the first details of Hearth and Home, the big update.
Valheim: comparison between the textures Source
Valheim modder recreates World of Warcraft’s icy continent Northrend
World of Warcraft is proving to be a popular source of inspiration for Valheim players. We’ve already seen some darn good builds of Stormwind Harbor, Lion’s Pride Inn, and Ironforge, to name a few examples. Now, though, someone has put together an entire continent from WoW, and you can download it for yourself.
Modder DrakonmanTheFox has recreated WoW’s Northrend, stuffing it with added content for the Deep North, Mystlands, and Ashlands biomes. You’ll find that dungeons and items appear outside their usual biomes to make things more suited to the Viking spin on Warcraft. For example, you’ll find dragon eggs and Sunken Crypts inside Mistland, Deep North, Mountains and the Black Forest. It all comes together to give you a pretty cool spin on Valheim you can use for your next adventure if you’re a World of Warcraft fan.
If you’ve been out of the World of Warcraft loop, Northrend is a chilly continent found in the northern parts of Azeroth. It’s the source of the Scourge, but it’s also the home of the Icecrown Citadel, which is the seat of the Lich King. The locale features heavily in the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion, as I’m sure you’ll be surprised to find out.
You can find instructions on how to download the mod for yourself over on Nexus Mods. DrakonmanTheFox suggests playing this one with the Epic Loot mod as they’ve included custom spawns inside the Ashlands and Deep North biomes. Expect Draugr villages, stone fortresses, troll caves, and goblin towers to be packed into Deep North.
If you’re looking to get into Valheim for yourself, our Valheim progression and Valheim building guides will get you off to a good start. If it’s more Valheim mods you’re looking for, though, you can find what your heart desires at that very link.
Image credit: Drakonman The Fox