Also in the week of 07.03. Until March 14th, 2021 many articles worth reading have been published, which we have put together for you. The selection is made automatically by the system based on the number of hits, so it isa> not influenced by the editorial team. So you won't miss a hot topic:1
Gaming notebooks: Purchase advice with market overview (special)
2F1 2021: To the top with EA? (Special)
3Loop Hero: Helpful tips & tricks for the dark role-playing game (Tip)
4They all look the same: Why modern graphic styles get on my laces (column)
5GTA 5: 10 things you certainly didn't know about the game! (Special)
6Stronghold: Warlords - Medieval building strategy in the test (test)
7Loop Hero in the test: the surprise hit is so good (test)
8Valheim: Black metal, obsidian and more - tips in the raw materials guide (tip)
9Outriders: New trailer shortens the waiting time for the release (video)
10Valheim: Carrots and growing beets - Tips (tip)
During the same period, of course, news appeared that were also discussed in the community (126 news with 76 comments). The most read news in the past week:
GTA 5: First trailer for implementation for PS5, new anti-aliasing technology in Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 and much more. - The most popular videos of the day
2Review: These are the hottest topics of the 10th calendar week 2021 on Videogameszone (3 comments)
Hancock Commission recognizes Centennial Farm
The Hancock County Commission, on Thursday, recognized the Allison/Buckley Farm for its more than 100 years of operation in the county and for being named a West Virginia Centennial Farm. Taking part in the presentation are, from left, Commissioner Eron Chek, Scott Buckley, Bob Buckley, Commissioner Paul Cowey and Commissioner Jeff Davis. (Photo by Craig Howell)
NEW CUMBERLAND — The Hancock County Commission, during its meeting Thursday, took time to recognize a local family farm which has been in operation for more than 100 years.
According to Commission President Paul Cowey, the Allison/Buckley Farm, located in New Cumberland, first came under the ownership of the Allison family in 1919.
In the 1940s, Bob Buckley married Wilma Allison, eventually taking over ownership and operation of the farm before then passing it on to their son, Scott.
The West Virginia Century Farm program is designed to recognize those families who have been farming the same tract of land for at least 100 years. To qualify, a family member must have lived on the farm or must have been an integral part of the day-to-day operations, according to the proclamation offered Thursday, and the farm must consist of at least 10 acres of the original holdings and gross more than $1,000 annually from farm products.
Also, during Thursday’s meeting, the commission:
¯ Appointed Roy Boring to the county civil service commission, replacing Todd Murray who resigned upon his appointment as chief deputy of the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department
¯ Agreed to hire Cody Moore for a security/bailiff position
¯ Agreed to advertise for two summer interns, to work from May 17 to Aug. 13.
¯ Agreed to apply for the West Virginia Victim Assistance Grant Program
¯ Approved a provider agreement on behalf of Juvenile Mediation Services, lasting from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
¯ Approved a release of deed of trust for Eric Dylan Kell, of Chester through the First Time Homebuyers Program
¯ Removed from the table a funding request from the Northern Panhandle Resource Conservation and Development and made it a matter of record for future consideration, noting more information is needed.
¯ Removed a request for funding from the Route 2/I68 Authority and took no further action.
¯ Continued to table a funding request for the Lee Day Report Center program and Home Incarceration program through the Northern Panhandle Community Justice Board.
¯ Removed from the table and made a matter of record a proposal to advertise for Phase 2 of the Microwave Backhaul Network, noting additional information is needed.
¯ Removed from the table and made a matter of record a funding request from Blue Stream Farms.
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