PlayStation VR 2 on PS5
Surprisingly and without warning, Sony has unveiled the new VR controller that will equip the second generation of the PlayStation Virtual Reality headset, announced earlier this year and still lacking a launch window.I next-gen controls for Virtual Reality feature a unique and ergonomic spherical design, designed to ensure considerable comfort even after prolonged gaming sessions. The new VR controllers integrate some key features already seen in DualSense such as adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, as well as tactile sensing, new sensing options and a series of buttons that include:
Left Controller - Analog stick, Triangle and Square Buttons, L1 Button, Trigger and Create Right Controller - Analog Stick, Circle and Cross Button, R1 Button and Options The L1 / R2 buttons (generically referred to as "Grab") can be used to pick up objects and perform other actions , obviously depending on the individual games. Both controllers are detected by the viewer through a ring placed in the lower part of the joypads, the tactile detection allows to detect the fingers on the surface and in the space without exerting pressure in the positioning areas of thumbs, index and central fingers, so as to be able to perform movement more natural.
As for the adaptive triggers there should be no differences from what we saw on the DualSense while the haptic feedback will be optimized for the design of the VR controllers. Sony has announced that the new controls for Virtual Reality will soon arrive in the hands of the development teams, but there is still a lot to say about PlayStation VR 2, more details will be released later.
Sony's PlayStation 5 VR controller revealed: like a DualSense split in two

The new PSVR PS5 controllers wrap around your hands and have physical buttons and haptic feedback.
SonySony has a brand-new VR headset coming for the PlayStation 5, and now we have our first glimpse of Sony's PSVR 2 controllers. They look pretty great. And, they'll have finger sensing and force feedback haptics.
Over four years of the PSVR on PS4, Sony never made its own VR-focused controllers. The twin-stick PlayStation Move wands were hangovers from the PS3 days. But a blog post Thursday from PlayStation's Hideaki Nishino confirms its features: advanced haptics, finger tracking and physical buttons like a DualSense controller split in two.
The wraparound-your-hand design looks sharp, and also reminiscent of other VR controllers like the Oculus Touch that use a plastic ring to help track the controller in 3D space.
A side view: triggers, buttons.
SonySony is adapting the DualSense's impressive vibrating haptics, and also its adaptive triggers, which provide uncanny types of in-game feedback. In VR, they could offer a level of vibrational fidelity that other VR controllers currently lack.
Thumb, index and middle fingers will be tracked even when no button is pressed, which sounds similar to how Oculus VR works. It's helpful for pulling off gestures like giving a thumbs-up, pointing or making a fist, and having in-VR hands react to a few types of finger motions.
Top view.
SonyThe controllers have all four PlayStation buttons -- triangle, square, circle and X -- plus two analog sticks, dual triggers and Option/Create buttons. They're split across both controllers, each one having two top buttons, an analog stick, an extra menu button and two triggers (which is also pretty standard for VR).
Sony also confirms that controllers are tracked by the next-gen PS5 VR headset, which means no external camera is needed.
These controllers are similar to what we expected they might be, but they also show Sony's pretty serious about next-gen VR. There's no release date or price, but don't expect PSVR 2 this year. It could come in 2022 (or later).
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