Outriders and legendary equipment in the Demo
The People Can Fly team has decided a partial reverse on the removal of the legendary equipment from the Ouriders Demo, decided following the analysis of the players' activities.Part of the public active on this first taste of the title has in fact dedicated itself with passion to farming activities, thus entering into possession of a vast collection of legendary weapons and equipment. A circumstance that the software house has however judged problematic according to the launch of Outriders on the PC, console and Google Stadia market. The possibility of keeping the progress made in the Demo even within the final version of the game creates a circumstance for which players in possession of these items could experience a difficulty curve that is decidedly different from that conceived by the developers.
The decision to completely remove the legendary loot from the Demo, however, has generated several grievances in the public. Listening to the reasons of the players, People Can Fly has decided a partial retrofront, with the announcement of the restoration of the latter for a single case in the entire Demo. Specifically, it is the chest accessible following the defeat of Gauss, Boss present within this first appetizer of the cooperative shooter. A decision that seeks a compromise between the needs of the team and the preferences of the public, after over 2 million downloads for the Outriders Demo.
Outriders' Legendary gear was farmed so quickly in the demo the devs stepped in
Players farmed Legendary gear so much in the Outriders demo that the developers have changed up how these item drops work.
The Outriders demo dropped at the end of February, giving players a fresh look at PeopleCanFly’s upcoming looter shooter. The demo has brought quite a bit of feedback, and the developers have issued some changes, including some based around how player’s grind for Legendary loot in the demo.

The news of the changes comes via a Reddit post from the developers, where they detailed several things that the studio is currently working on. One of the biggest focuses was on making Legendary loot more balanced.
“While we do not want to prevent farming runs (We get it!),” the post reads, “the lootcave discovered via the triple chest-run, as well as the store exploit, do not feel to be within the spirit of the game. To that end, we are redirecting farming efforts to mechanics in the game that may be more enjoyable for players to play through and repeat.”
The post details the following changes to the loot system:
It was later updated to indicate that the developers had re-enabled the Gauss boss chest dropping Legendaries following “very reasonable community feedback”.
While many of the updates mentioned in the post won’t come until the official release, it’s nice to see People Can Fly already taking community feedback to heart and trying to balance it with the developers’ own vision. Despite not being a game designed as a live service, Outriders will still need to offer engaging gameplay and loot systems for players to chase after if it wants to keep players involved for months after release.
Some other notable things that People Can Fly has taken into account are complaints about the camera shake and FPS in the cutscenes and dialogue. An upcoming patch also aims to alleviate issues with the matchmaking system, which saw quite a few issues when the demo launched. You can, of course, check out the full details of the update over on the Outriders’ subreddit for more info.
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Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.