According to Bloomberg, the new model of Nintendo Switch will launch in 2021, will support 4K in docked mode and will be equipped with a 7-inch OLED screen manufactured by Samsung. This technology would allow the company's engineers to optimize consumption, while at the same time offering greater contrast coupled with reduced latency times compared to the current LCD panel.
Nintendo and Samsung declined to comment on the report, but a new clue found on the net seems to confirm the South Korean giant's involvement in the production of OLED screens for the alleged Nintendo Switch Pro. The youtuber Doctre81, the same one who had unveiled the arrival of Apex Legens on Switch before the official presentation, has found the document "Samsung initiates consumer branding for its OLED displays in 27 Countries", which at one point reads: "Turning to the future, we intend to aggressively position Samsung's OLED technology within other promising markets in addition to that of smartphones , including laptops and notebooks for the IT, automotive and gaming console segment ".
Clearly, these are the latest par ole to have captured our attention, given that, coupled with the persistent rumors of recent times, seem to indirectly confirm the partnership between Samsung and Nintendo for the production of OLED screens for the new console.