Monster Hunter Rise
As promised, Capcom has made available a second demo of Monster Hunter Rise which includes an additional quest entirely dedicated to the giant Magnamalo: you are ready for a new hunt.The demo, released in January, and which contained the basic training mission and some hunts using all 14 types of weapons, has been updated with a new mission to kill the Magnamalo!
Magnamalo's new advanced mission is specially balanced for the demo. You will have to fight with fixed equipment, which will make the mission even more difficult than normal. Only deal with it if you are prepared!
You can download Monster Hunter Rise demo 2 from Nintendo eShop, the file weighs 1.8 GB, all those who have downloaded the first demo of January will simply have to update the application without having to re-download the entire file. 'application. In addition to the Magnamalo quest, the demo also includes the Kill a Great Izuchi and Kill a Mizutsune missions playable for up to thirty times, plus there are two tutorials to familiarize yourself with the basic controls and mechanics of Monster Hunter Rise. >
Remember not to cancel the demo saves, they cannot be imported into the full game but you will need them to be able to redeem a welcome bonus that includes 20 mega potions, 5 covered traps, 10 energy drinks, 5 mega demonic serums and 5 mega armor serums.
When Does the Monster Hunter Rise Demo 2 End? End Date and Quest Attempts
March 12, 2021 7:20 AM EST
Monster Hunter Fans all around the world are now starting to sink their teeth into the second Monster Hunter Rise demo.
Released by Capcom yesterday, March 11, players can get a taster of the game before it releases towards the end of the month.
The demo includes plenty for players to do, but they have been left wondering “when does the Monster Hunter Rise demo 2 end?” And how long will they have to complete all tasks.
Here’s what we know about the end date of the demo.
There’s plenty for players to get stuck into within this latest Monster Hunter Rise demo.
In both single and multiplayer modes, players have access to three different monster fights – Great Izuchi, Mizutsune and, added to this demo for the first time, Magnamalo. Within these hunts, players will have the opportunity to try out all 14 of Monster Hunter Rise’s weapons including the Dual Blades and Insect Glaive.
If players want to get used to things first, they can also complete two tutorials. They are Basic Training and Wyvern Riding.
Does progress carry over from the demo to the full release copy?Unfortunately not, so I wouldn’t worry too much about spending time farming monster rewards for armor just yet.
Thankfully, there is a little reward for players who do download and play the demo. Upon opening Monster Hunter Rise, players can claim a “Demo Player Bonus”. This includes 20 Mega Potions, five Pitfall Traps, 10 Energy Drinks, five Mega Demon Drugs and five Mega Armorskins. Just be sure not to delete the demo save data as this will mean you can’t claim the bonus.
When does the Monster Hunter Rise demo 2 end?As far as we can tell, Capcom has given no traditional end date to the demo. Instead, players can complete the different quests up to 30 times. Once the counter hits zero, the demo is over. Should this change, we will update you with all the details.