Far Cry 6
In the past few days, some content creators and other fans have received an email containing an invitation to the early access phase of the first-person shooter Far Cry 6. After the initial euphoria about the possibility of soon being able to take a closer look at what was happening in the game, disillusionment followed relatively quickly. As has meanwhile been found out, it concerns fakes or phishing mails.The publisher Ubisoft had got wind of the matter and immediately spoke up. In a brief statement, he pointed out that these are fakes that should be ignored.
"Some of our content creators have received fake emails that use the Ubisoft domain to send a Far Cry 6 Early Access (buy now € 54.98). Please ignore such emails. Our security team is already busy with the investigation. "
Worth reading: Far Cry 6 in the big preview of PC Games
Ubisoft also made it clear that no early access phase is currently planned for Far Cry 6, so the fake invitation The factual basis for emails is missing anyway. Should you receive such an email, it is better to delete it immediately.
Incidentally, this is not the first time that Ubisoft and Far Cry 6 have struggled with fakes of this kind. Fake emails were already circulating last month with invitations to an alleged beta test of the first-person shooter. There was also a recent phishing attempt around the survival horror game Resident Evil Village, in which the impatience of the waiting fans was to be exploited.
Source: DSOGaming
Ubisoft Warns of Fake Far Cry 6 Early Access Invites
Fake invites for a supposed Far Cry 6 beta circulated in February to try and scam people into parting with their personal information, and it looks like a similar scheme is happening again now. Ubisoft has since issued a warning to its communities to say that there are again fake emails being sent out under the guise that they’re coming from the Ubisoft domain. Ubisoft prompted people to ignore those emails and said that it’s looking into the matter.
Ubisoft issued a statement to DSO Gaming on the latest round of fake Far Cry 6 emails which are apparently targeting both those involved in the media and content creators this time. No plans for any sort of early access version of Far Cry 6 have been announced, so emails referencing that sort of thing should in turn be ignored.
“Some of our media and content creators are being sent fake emails using the Ubisoft domain inviting you to take part in early access for Far Cry 6,” the statement from Ubisoft read.
“Please ignore such emails. Our security teams are investigating.”
The last time these emails were circulating – or perhaps they never stopped? – a statement on them was issued by Ubisoft in mid-February, a time that was right around when Far Cry 6 was supposed to release. The timing of the last phishing attempt was likely intended to take advantage of those who were expecting Far Cry 6 to release some time not long after it had been delayed.
Following its delay, Far Cry 6 is now without a release date. Discussions during Ubisoft’s earnings calls have slated the game for a release sometime after April 2021, but there’s been no indication of a narrowed timeframe for the release date yet.
Far Cry 6 is also not the only game that’s been targeted by these sorts of phishing scams. Resident Evil Village, a game which does have a release date, was also the target of a similar scam. Resident Evil games getting beta releases is a much more common occurrence than it would be with others series, so it’s easy to imagine why someone could be tricked into handing over information to participate in a Resident Evil Village beta. Capcom issued its own warning about the situation as well.