Cyberpunk 2077, patch 1.2 arrives soon
With the Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.2 being tested until a few days ago, CD Projekt RED is now ready to present all the details on the contents of the update.Among the information offered, - We specify it immediately - unfortunately we do not find the date of publication of the content. The software house, however, wanted to reassure the public, promising that Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.2 will be available "soon" on PC, console and Google Stadia. To deceive the wait, however, the team has offered many details on what will be the proposed contents and the changes made by the update to the ambitious RPG. The list is very large and for a full consultation we refer you to the link available in the Tweet at the bottom of this news, which will instead focus on the news that will have an impact on PS4 and</a> Xbox One, the most problematic versions of Cyberpunk 2077.
Among the latter, we find the changes made by CD Projekt on the stability front. The latter - says the team - will affect all players, but will have particularly decisive effects on old-gen consoles and less performing hardware. Overall, patch 1.2 will improve engine stability and memory usage optimization, resulting in a drastic reduction in game crashes. Improvements and optimizations are also expected in terms of animations, shadows, shaders, physics, environmental occlusion and the spawn system. Also fixed the crashes related to the UI, whose performance has also been boosted. PS4 and Xbox One will also enjoy the resolution of problems causing freeze during game sessions of Cyberpunk 2077. Many of the improvements concern the appearance of black screens on green cross consoles, while the list of bugs that will be solved on PS4 is also substantial.
The list - we repeat - decidedly full of news, ranging from elements of gameplay to progress in quests, passing through the open world and technical sector, with upgrades on the audio front, animations, graphics, environment and Ui. Pending the release date of patch 1.2, we remind you that Cyberpunk 2077 is still absent from the PS Store at the moment.
Cyberpunk 2077 patch will fix issues with district activity achievements not unlocking
CD Projekt Red has shared the patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2, which arrives for Xbox 'soon.' The patch will fix a long list of issues with gameplay, quests, open-world aspects, and more, as well as issues with certain achievements.CDPR had already shared how Patch 1.2 will make police response time more realistic, but the patch notes show that it will also address other gameplay issues. For instance, it will ensure that disassembling grenades gives you the correct components, and introduces a fix for the issue where NPCs could get stuck in doorways, which meant V couldn't kill them. There will also be a fix for the issue causing NPCs to trip over each other too often, for hearing the wrong dialogue when grappling enemies, for the glitch that stopped players taking fall damage if they performed a slide action, and fixes for a whole lot of other issues.Along with a range of fixes for quest-related bugs, Patch 1.2 will also address open-world issues and problems with certain achievements. Some players were having trouble with achievements for completing distract activities like The Wasteland achievement or The Jungle achievement, with achievement progress stuck at a certain percentage. It seems Update 1.1 fixed this for some players, while others were still stuck at the wrong completion percentage. Patch 1.2 should fix this issue entirely and cause those achievements to unlock correctly.The patch notes go on to cover issues with cinematic design, environment and level problems, issues with graphics, audio, and animation, and more. If you fancy taking a look through the whole thing, you can check the patch notes on the Cyberpunk 2077 site.