Xbox Series X | S
Xbox Series X | S's FPS Boost technology, which enables frame rate increases in backward compatible games, requires no extra work on the part of the developers, Jason Ronald said.In the same interview where said that the FPS Boost may be limited by some developers for artistic needs, the Xbox director of program management confirmed that the activation of this feature does not imply an additional commitment.
" this function without the developers having to do extra work, so in some cases they have more flexibility and control where they want to go back to the game and update it or if they have different plans for the franchise. In short, it is a real collaboration between us and the publisher, "said Ronald.
" We listen to the community, we know their passion and the games they would like to see, "he continued. "There are situations in which we cannot activate the FPS Boost due to the techniques used for the development of a certain title, while in other cases, as mentioned, perhaps the authors want to think about the upgrade."
In short, the FPS Boost is a useful resource for anyone who wants to take advantage of it, considerably increasing the frame rate of their games without any effort, but it is not mandatory to use it: every studio can proceed as it prefers.
Xbox Series X | S
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