During a session of Q&A with investors dedicated to the earnings report, Takashi Mochizuki of Bloomberg reported a question asked to the president of Nintendo, Shuntaro Furukawa, or if the Switch Pro was in the plans of the company. Well, his response was a curt: "Not soon", apparently. Although this curbs the enthusiasm of those who took the console for certain by the end of 2021, the answer leaves the door open to a future announcement; maybe in a year or two. But the situation is not clear at all, as specified at the beginning.
The answer reported by David Gibson (analyst of the videogame business) to the same question, appears very different from that reported by the Bloomberg journalist. In fact, it seems that, according to Gibson, the president of Nintendo replied: "No plans linked to a new model". An answer that effectively closes any glimmer of hope on Switch Pro. Now the question is more than legitimate: "Will Nintendo Switch Pro ever come out?". Only time will answer this question.
If Nintendo decides to produce a pro version of its hybrid console, will you buy it or not? Argue your opinion in the comments!
Valentine's Day is approaching! Do you want to surprise your or your partner, or give yourself a gift? On Amazon Italy, Nintendo Switch is available in a special edition dedicated to Mario. Click here to view the product page!