It is also explained that, at some point, the food dispenser broke but the pigs continued to complete levels following verbal encouragement from the researchers. Animals likely continued to play to maintain social contact with humans, according to the researchers. This was not an easy task, too. As you can see in the image below, the pigs had the task of moving a pointer to a specific area of the screen: as the level went up and the area got smaller, the success rate dropped. According to the researchers, however, the pigs' attempts were still reasoned and focused on a purpose and not random movements.
Obviously we are not talking about real video games, but only about simple joystick-screen interactions. Pigs won't start playing Minecraft and Fortnite, but these are interesting results. In the past, similar searches had been carried out with monkeys: the results had been superior, also thanks to the fact that they have opposable thumbs.
Staying on the subject of oddities: now the touts aim at Happy Meal Pokémon, zero stocks and crazy figures online.