Valheim has a big problem: a "destroys worlds" bug and the solution is difficult

Valheim has a big problem: a destroys worlds bug and the solution is difficult
Valheim has received a really positive reception on PC, but apparently he is suffering from the problem of a bug capable of destroying players' worlds and whose solution seems rather difficult, even if the developers are already working on it.

The glitch was detected by users especially after the last update and has catastrophic consequences: in some cases it completely corrupts the save and does not allow it to be used anymore, thus forcing you to start over.

Al At the moment there doesn't seem to be an immediate solution to use: it seems that various users have tried to clean the game from .old files, restart the computer and other home methods that in some cases can work, but none of this has returned the save intact of Valheim.

Richard Svensson, CEO of the Iron Gate development team, intervened on Twitter warning that the bug is present based on several detections, but that the team does not n was able to reproduce it, which makes it difficult to study it and therefore also to work out a solution.

"If you play Valheim this weekend, remember to make a backup of the game world and of the characters, the evil world-destroying bug is still on the loose, "wrote Svensson. "It's a tough bug, which we haven't been able to reproduce even once yet. It seems to show up more likely if you quit the game by pressing ALT + F4, so try using the standard menu exit in the meantime." >
In the meantime, Valheim is still a success: after being first on Steam since launch, it has already sold 1 million copies, confirming itself as the new gaming phenomenon on PC, barring any bugs that spoil the party.

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