The Legend of Zelda and 35th anniversary, Grubb speaks
Nintendo's decision to re-propose the chapter of the Link saga that debuted in 2011 already seems to have been successful: in a very short time, in fact, pre-orders of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD have reached record numbers, with stocks temporarily out of stock on Amazon USA and UK.Despite this warm welcome, there is no doubt that part of the community of enthusiasts expected a greater quantity of announcements from the Kyoto company. The motivation is very simple: the anniversary, a few days ago, of the 35th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. The adventures of Hyrule seem to be receiving a very different treatment from that reserved for Super Mario for the same occasion, but it may still be early to give up hope, at least according to reports by some insiders.
While they are spreading rumor about the arrival of T he Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD on Nintendo Switch, also Jeff Grubb, signature of Venture Beat, reports news related to the celebrations yet to be announced. With a past of some predictions proved correct, and others less so, the latter invites you to wait for the summer of 2021 for further Zelda-themed communications from Nintendo. The reasons, he reports, are manifold. On the one hand, the celebrations for the 35th anniversary of Super Mario are still ongoing, on the other the Kyoto house would not want to take the risk of diverting the public's attention from the re-release of Skyward Sword. For this reason, any further communication - asserts Grubb - will be subsequent to the release of the latter on Nintendo Switch. However, there would be a plan to publish games of the saga at a steady pace on the hybrid console.
Obviously, at the moment these are mere speculations: with the launch date of The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD set for July 16th, it will be necessary to wait a long time before we learn more.
Zelda’s 35th Anniversary celebration to follow Skyward Sword HD, reports insider
The Legend of Zelda series is experiencing its 35th Birthday this week, with celebrations over at Japanese giant Nintendo unusually muted for their Hero of Time, but an insider reports that the reasoning for this is down to Mario’s Birthday and Skyward Sword HD.
Venture Beat’s Jeff Grubb, who has previously proven a reliable source regarding Nintendo, reports that there is an intention to celebrate the Anniversary of Link and friends. However, Nintendo is unlikely to announce anything until the Summer this year once the release of Skyward Sword HD for the Switch is done.
Grubb states that Nintendo is currently using Mario for their marketing campaigns to celebrate the plumber reaching 35. While there have also been rumors that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess could make their way to Switch too, Nintendo does not want to announce anything at the possible expense of Skyward Sword HD’s sales.
He states: “This is still marketing. And Nintendo will want to position The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD out in front. This is one of the biggest reasons that Nintendo didn’t talk about other Zelda beyond Skyward Sword HD in its latest Direct video event. The company doesn’t want other Zelda games to distract from its attempts to bring back Skyward Sword.”
Skyward Sword is due to launch on July 16, 2021, so with Nintendo trying to protect sales of the game, any celebrations for the Zelda series are unlikely to kick off until around August.
It’s also no surprise that the Japanese giant is focusing on the re-release as the game after sales of the game’s original release on Wii were lackluster compared to other entries in the series, reaching around 3.6 million units shipped. By comparison, Wind Waker, which released on a much less popular console, reached 4.43 million copies sold on the GameCube, so Nintendo will be keen to improve those numbers with the HD release.
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