In recent times they have got their hands on the acclaimed remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, while in recent years they have curated the Nintendo 3DS versions of Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Luigi's Mansion, and co-developed The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes with Nintendo EPD. In short, we are not talking about the latest arrivals. Among other things, they are led by President and CEO Koichi Ishii, who worked at Square Enix until the early 2000s creating the Mana series and contributing to several Final Fantasy.
Well, all this preamble has served to introduce you to the news of the day: the guys from Grezzo have launched a hiring campaign aimed at looking for fresh staff to use in the realization of a new and mysterious project described as "stylish" and "medieval". Among the figures sought there are several programmers, a UI Designer and an Effect Designer. Job advertisements suggest that this new game will be powered by the Unity graphics engine (with C #) and require skills with VisualStudio, Git, Redmine and Jenkins.
What is it? A new remake or a completely new project? Unfortunately, no other relevant information is known at the moment, but we will continue to follow Grezzo's movements.