We refer to the American singer, Ariana Grande, who has confessed to madly adore Sackboy. During a question and answer session, a video posted on her Twitter profile, the pop star revealed that the game she would probably play "until two in the morning" is the title of Sumo Digital. That Sackboy was an adorable title was in fact out of the question, also considered by our editorial staff to be one of the best launch games for PlayStation 5.
Ariana Grande has never hidden that she is a gamer and sings it loudly in her "Six Thirty". In fact, it was this very text that prompted a fan to ask her this question. More precisely, the American singer reveals that at the moment she would think of Sackboy if she were to sing the text of Six Thirty, but being a fan of Mario Kart and Mario Party, she specified that in the lyrics of the song she was thinking of the most famous plumber in the world. . "It's me, Mario! ”The famous Nintendo iconic character would surely answer.
Hey @ArianaGrande! 👋
Our team and our wonderful community are super-excited to hear that it's #SackboyABigAdventure that you wanna play at 2AM!
It's literally music to our ears!
🎵 🥰🎵 pic.twitter.com/RZm64N7G0s
- Sackboy: A Big Adventure | LittleBigPlanet (@LittleBigPlanet) February 12, 2021
The Sackboy: A Big Adventure development team posted the video on Twitter, thanking Ariana Grande for mentioning the game and letting fans know how much she likes it. As is known, in this historical moment, video games have saved many from the discomfort of these months of restrictions and, apparently, celebrities are no exception. At this point, it is questionable if Ariana Grande has platinum the game.
Sackboy: A Big Adventure is available on Amazon, you can buy it at this address. Also, we recommend that you keep an eye on this link to monitor PS5 availability.