Yet, many industry insiders are confident of its existence. Some self-styled insiders, who claim to be in contact with some internal sources, have recently spoken of Nintendo Switch Pro as a console powered by NVIDIA technology and with a power halfway between PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series S, probably capable of even supporting the DLSS technology of the Santa Clara house.
Several analysts are also sure of the existence of the Nintendo Switch Pro. The real debate, in reality, seems to revolve around the launch window on the market. As the editorial staff of IGN USA points out, which took care to ask some well-known videogame analysts directly, there are many doubts regarding the possible debut period. Serkan Toto of Kantan Games, for example, is aiming for the second half of 2021: according to him, the four years that have passed since the birth of Switch are more than enough to justify the launch of a new model of the console, even if the momentum of sales has not yet given signs of subsidence. The opinion of Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities is different, for whom 2021 is not the right year, precisely because Switch sales are still very high. According to David Cole of DFC Intelligence, however, we are more likely to see some slight improvements to the hardware (such as the previous revision which improved battery life) rather than a brand new, more powerful console.
In short, uncertainty reigns, and the only one able to dispel it is obviously Nintendo, which continues to remain silent and enjoy the amazing sales of Switch, which is close to 70 million units distributed.