Accordingly, the focus in the development of Dragon Age 4 should now be entirely on the most intense possible single player experience. As can be read in the report, among other things, the great success of such single-player titles like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has brought the publisher Electronic Arts to rethink. In addition, there are financial failures from such multiplayer projects as Anthem, whose widely touted revision called Anthem Next was only recently discontinued. Instead, Bioware wants to concentrate fully on the new Mass Effect and Dragon Age 4.
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For the new year, Bioware has published an artwork for the upcoming RPG Dragon Age 4. 0Wanted and not found: We missed these games in 2020
2020 is over, and many of the games we expected this year don't even have a release date. We missed these titles! var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1367660,1365708,1364752,1364032'; This rethinking will certainly come as a surprise to the fans and is already causing cheers. After all, the fourth episode of Dragon Age was initially outlined as a large project with lots of live features and monetization options, which caused a lot of criticism. Two years ago it was even referred to as the "Anthem with Dragons". The development has so far been anything but smooth, there is talk of several "internal reboots".We will not know what the finished game will actually look like until next year at the earliest. There is currently no specific release date.
Source: Bloomberg